Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lost of Motivation

When I got called to the counselor's office I thought I did something bad such as being tardy to 0 period a couple of times but unfortunately I wasn't. I was called upon one of my grades. I looked at it sort of not suprised but I saw all my grades for the first quarter. I was shocked really and also expecting it, hard to explain. I knew I wouldn't do so well in the first quarter but not this bad. For the rest of the day I felt completely crappy and of course I was going to tell my parents about my grades rather then having them finding out later. Usually if I tell my parents that "Oh I'll do better next report card," it usually gets by without a lecture. Completley different story when I got home. My dad and mom didn't take it so well and they really went down hard on me. It made my mood even worse that day.
I've never done so bad in school, but it wasn't as bad like last year. I still have a 3 but to go to university I need a higher G.P.A. I remember in freshman year I was playing two sports, football and basketball, and I maintained a 3.5 or higher. I've realized that I work harder when I want something, bad grades means no sports and no sports means no fun for me. I liked playing football and basketball because they were great way to stay in shape and having fun. This year I'm not playing football or basketball, but I am playing rugby in the second sememster.
I lost what was motivating me and so now I have to work twice as hard to get my grades back up and maintaining them. I went by school last year with the thought of "I'll do better next quarter or I 'll study next time," that thought screwed up my gpa. Once you start failing tests and don't do anything about it, you continue to fail. My parents didn't raise me with that mentality, and so I'm not just hurting myself but disappointing my parents. I have this complete change in me and so now I have to prove that I have changed to myself. Hopefully reaching my biggest goal of getting a 4.0 or higher. But to get to that goal I have to set minor goals and work my way up.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Statement of Purpose 2

In my previous statement of pupose I blogged about the famous band, The Beatles. I wrote about how much they are an influence to me and artists today. I didn't set a goal of what I wanted to do with my blogs. In this blog post, I want to describe what goals I am going to set out for this school year. First I want to learn how to express my thoughts in a concise way, so that my readers can understand what I am trying to say. This is probably one of the reasons of why I don't like to write because I can't vent myself. What I think and write comes out to be two different points.
My second goal is to write with a more elaborated grammar and vocabulary. I seem to write constantly with the same old words and so my writing has become more boring to read for myself. This could help me with also venting myself better. My third goal is to read over my writings. My problem with writing is that once I write it I'm done. I geuss I'm just that lazy and I most likely did my blog that last minute. So my third goal also is going to help with my procrastination.
Throughout this school year I hope to at least achieve these big goals for me. Possibly adding more goals along the way. I should try to prepare myself, by knowing what I want to write about next week that has more meaning then writing about something write before I write a blog. I have always vented myself through just saying what I wanted to say. Another way I use to vent was drawing out what I was feeling. I believe that I will start to like writing because it could be another way to vent myself, ideas, and thoughts. Next week I am looking forward to what I am going to write about, already having my next blog post idea.