Friday, February 5, 2010


This sunday is a huge day! First of all its Superbowl Sunday!! Everyone should be cheering for the Saints because they have never been in the Superbowl. The Colts should just throw in the towel, becuase they've won numerous times and everyone knows Peyton Manning is one of the all time best quarterbacks. The Saints deserve this win and all season would have had a perfect season but unfortunatley they lost one game. Just one game that a person lost sticks with them forever. This sunday is the biggest game in American sports and I'm going to miss the kickoff because of rugby. Rugby is an amazingly fun sport, thought I haven't practiced much, this sport fits me as an athlete. I sometimes wonder why I played basketball instead of rubgy. Well you learn from your mistakes so I'm making up for lost time by going two times harder in practice. I even get to start on the team as flanker. Flanker basically rushes up on the defense if they get the ball or they stay behind supporting the forwards. Forwards are like the recievers of football. The only downfall of this sport if that we have a tournament on Superbowl Sunday! I hate missing the kickoff, it builds the rush to watching the game. To take out my anger I am going to hit the first girl so hard that she will not realize what she is suppose to be doing. I'm not a cocky player but when I am angry I take it out on sports.
To add on to this anger of mine, I am coming down with this nasty cold. I can't sleep because my dry throat irritates me and a stuffy nose. I'm twice as tired then usual and I realized this week is a busy week. Suprisingly, once I start playing it doesn't bother me so much but I want to be completely healthy. Every year since I was a freshman I have gotten pneumonia and it always starts off with a cold while I am playing a sport. This year it will not happen! The worst thing is to play crapy and then go home with a fever. It is the worst feeling but I love to play! Sports just relax me and its just a natural ability of mine. I learn twice as much, but I can nail a certain shot or tackle in two weeks or less. Hopefully, I will come out with wins in both my tournament and football, and will be healthy before Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Given your soft-spoken nature in our first-period class, it's hard for me to picture you slamming the wind out of some poor girl. But I feel bad for whomoever your first "target" will be. Good luck and stay healthy.
