Friday, January 8, 2010

Movie Fascination

From an early age I can truly say that my first movie was one of the classics. The age of 1 years old, I saw in theaters the Lion King. Though it is animation, who else can say that their first movie was one of Disney classics, well a lot of kids can. I have grown into this huge fascination with movies. I have watched numerous classics, such as the Godfather series, Citizen Kane, the Untouchables, Gone with the Wind,the Titanic, the Lion King of course and others. I can not fully call myself a true movie junky til I have watched Casablanca. I will eventually and then finally I will feel close to complete. Very dramatic but that was how movies were brought into the theaters. People like books, but I prefer seeing a visual fantasy.Though not all movies are fantasies they are also a visual realization of what people or animals are going through in the world. I do believe that if a movie was based off of a book, the book is always better. A possible way to bring a book equal to a movie was if movies could be longer then three hours.

My dad has seen many classics and I am trying to reach his level. Recently we were watching one of his favorites, Jeremiah Johnson. A 1972 classic starring Robert Redford, about a man trying to make a living in the wilderness without the knowledge of being a hunter. I wasn't into it for the first few minutes because I'm not a fan of most cowboy movies. I have seen The Good, The Bad, the Ugly, but not a big of fan. I think my band teacher ruined the experience because he continuously stops the movie in less then 10 minutes. Jeremiah Johnson sort of changed my thought on those type of movies. It held up to my expectation from how my dad was ranting about the movie. There is always time to watch a classic movie no matter what time of the day. Recent movies that I am considering classics from my generation is Juno, Precious, Slumdog Millionaire, Avatar, and the Harry Potter series. Most likely I am forgetting certain movies, but these are one of my favorites.
Like any other teen we are drawn to an action packed, sci-fi movie. One movie that has everything and more is the recently released Avatar. James Cameron out done himself once again, making a another all-time worldwide box office movie since the Titanic. He has also done the Terminator series and one of my dad's favorites, Aliens. This movie brought a whole new level of what special effects and technology can do. The two and a half movie is worth staying for a storyline that holds the audience.

If I were to be a movie critic for the rest of my life, I would love to go to work everyday. I would probably never take the job because I would never be living like a celebrity. I might as well be living with my mom on the couch, waking up every morning, picking those chewed popcorn pieces stuck in between my teeth. I won't be collecting popcorn pieces, but movie tickets for the rest of my life. The future of the film bussiness will most likely get more fansy and realistic, and I am taking this personal journey with friends and family on seeing this unravel. My fascination with movies, is an unexplained joy.

1 comment:

  1. I know very, very few people who don't like movies. (My mom is one of them...SUPER picky.) I certainly love them, and came close to majoring in film studies in college. So I can dig what you're talking about; your passion comes through clearly here not only for the classics but also for the future of the art form.

    The part about picking popcorn out of your teeth is hilarious.
