Friday, May 14, 2010

All Star Team

Two weekends ago, I was super juiced to try out for the Nor-Cal All Star Team!! This was for rugby and I was preparing myself, with workouts, and building my stamina until the day of. My mother has this fear of driving long distance, especially with are van that we don't trust for long drives. Well, she was going to find a family member who would drive me because my dad had to work. This all happened the day of and my try outs was around 11 AM at some field farther than Sacramento. When my mom told me that I wasn't going, I was really pissed off my mine. I never felt so left down by my parents. Now I understand that it was all miscommunication but still this is a big deal if I want to play rugby in college. The whole week I wasn't feeling myself because I wasn't playing this sport that I surprisingly grown a huge liking towards. When I heard about the select players from my original team that tried out and made it, I was sad because I wasn't updating my facebook with the accomplishment of making the team. Honestly, I envied the girls, no hating on them though. Another part that ticked me off was my parents didn't ask why I wasn't talking to them as much, "silent treatment" until my dad asked. I explained how much this meant to me and he completely understood my passion for rugby. Though my mother wasn't liking that "silent treatment," which I understand was wrong towards her because she has the fear of long drives, especially 2 hours. The result of that week was that I still didn't get to play because the try outs was over and I never showed. It was one of those moments when you think everything will go the way you want it, but of course that didn't happen.
Since then I have been eating what ever seems delicious and stuffing my face with my favorite, chocolate, especially brownies that my parents keep making as a snack for us 5 kids. I kept on thinking why couldn't I drive by now, I'm 17 year-old and I don't even have my permit. After taking my APES exam I felt a tad better but not completely. Why can't there be a rewind button that works in the real world? I realized I can't sulk about the past but let it go and continue on. Surprisingly, I got an email. The coach of the All Star team, sent out emails again for a tryout/ practice. This was great! I was so happy but not fully. I needed the permission of my parents and a ride. Luckily, my dad said he would be able to drive me with his truck. I felt relieved and happy. It was like one of those things that you don't expect to happen even though you want to. To make my day even better, the day of was the banquet and I got the rookie of the year award. I really worked my butt off this season to learn as much about rugby and to continue it into college and next year. Tomorrow is the big day, I can't wait to play with the rugby ball again and prove my spot. I don't know what spot yet because I played numerous spots, but anything to start!

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