Friday, May 21, 2010

Alternate Universe

I was in APES class today watching a film called Life After Humans and I was wondering where exactly does our "souls" go when we die. Somehow I thought about an alternate universe where our we go to after death. I know the typical religious answer if heaven or hell, but I'm not that religious. I would like to think we like go to an alternate universe. The usualy imagery of an alternate universe would be the opposite of the world now, so I'm thinking a non-polluted and war free world? That is a stretch but why not. If someone knows where we go after we die, where? This question could never be answered because when I use to pray when I was young, I would ask the man upstairs to leave me a note under my barbie dolls. Never did I get an answer and man was I pissed. Of course the other man upstairs, my father never gave me an answer but that we go somewhere nice. Not an answer to me. Though I really want to know, I would never consider the way to finding out because I only have one life to live. Or do I have one life to live in this universe? Well, this alternate unvierse would probably be better than what people are living like now. The more I have been thinking, heaven is a term that can be used describe a place where people want to go to, to get away for where they are now. I see hell as this place, where people that want to cause destruction and suffering end up. So maybe this alternate universe is heaven because its suppose to be thsi grand place of tranquility and relaxation. I don't understand fully about this heaven and hell because I don't know who exactly said this. Well what about the supposed ghosts? They have all technology to proving their is such thins as ghosts, suching as a different temperatures in certain spots of haunted rooms. I've been thinking ghosts are in the alternate universe that are shown in through somehow. As if their was a glitch in the connection between our world and an alternate universe.
I would have to find this black hole but where? Who thought of this? I don't know either because I'm working off a thought of my own. Like how Einstein made the theory of relativity, though his was a actual theory with facts to back it up. My theory is just another version to whom ever said it. I remember seeing this T.V show where they had an episode on this, and all their work sounded as if it was all true. Proving I don't really like science but am gullible to theories with big words. I know, that's pathetic but can't help it sometimes. I do have a mind of my own and I'm just showing what I was thinking lately.
This may be pure insanity but I was just thinking. Why not? I had all these ideas in my head just building up on randomness and no facts. Though I would like to do a complete research on the black hole and dimensions of our universe, I feel its a waste because their is no solid fact or living proof to prove I may be on to something. I'm not going to become this crazed mad scientist trying to search this black hole in which holds the mysteries of the alternate universe. I believe I am going to just ponder on this subject til the time comes. Though I don't know what I will believe I can just imagine.

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