Friday, May 7, 2010

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do you want to be when you grow up? Hmmmm, I wanted to be multiple things and it all has a story to go with it. My first career was going to be an actress, not just any actress but a Disney star. Disney, like millions of other children, is the best channel, like who wouldn't want to be a Disney star. That idea crossed out because I can't sing and every Disney star can sing, though some are the worst singers ever. I believe Walt Disney would be pissed off in the lack of talent these Disney stars actually have. I wanted to be the next generation of the Mickey Mouse Club, but would ruin it with my horrible voice. Then came along video games. I was so in love with games that I wanted to be Luigi from the mario games. They were ridiculously fun for my age and still are. Luigi was definatley the most talented compared to his short red brother Mario. Luigi also had the best mustache then Mario, honestly Luigi would scrap Mario in any sport or fight because of the way he is built. I also wanted to be Sonic because of his ridiculous speed. Though they are animated character, we can still dream right? The only person that thought that was a cool idea was my baby brother who wanted to be Mario. If we actually dressed up like Luigi and Mario we could pass. I think I'm going to leave the animated character jobs as a alternate reality.
The next job career was going to be an artist. There use to be this old kid show on PBS, and this old guy would draw pictures. His drawings were like Picaso to me, especially how they came to life after he drew his pictures. Then after every show he would show fan drawings, and I always wanted to have my drawings on T.V. My parents never sent them in because I found them a month later in their closet. Anyways, I thought I was the most amazing drawer in the world, that everyone was going to know my name after watching the show. I still like to draw now, more graffiti but lost the patience to draw for long hours and once I stop I don't get the same flow. Drawing to me is in the moment type of hobby so I can't really be an artist. Then I went through a whole phase of trying to be the first girl NFL player. Honestly thought that could be true, but sorry ladies. Unless you have the body of a body builder and your body moves almost just like guys then stop or if you are a kicker.
Now I think I want to become an architect. I know, so typical but I like the thought of constructing a home or building for someone. Creating blueprints of my future home and others is exciting for me. I was going to become an intern for some majoy architect company and then create my own business called "Sini Town" next to Trump Towers in New York. Though this is a great plan for me, I still feel like I want to pursue multiple things, though the difficulties of this idea. I want to put my foot in every door before choosing who I want to be.

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