Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Four Brothers, One girl

I am the oldest of five kids in my family. One girl and four boys from variety of ages. Chris, 11, Dohny, 8, Brandon, 6, Ed, 2 and me, 16. Being the oldest you learn alot about responsiblity like never leave your homework out on the table because your bother sees it as something to draw with, or never leave your food/drink on the computer because somehow they bump into it. No matter how many times they may have drawn on your homework or spilled your drink on the keyboard, the oldest is always blamed. The biggest part about being the oldest is that I had to be mature at a very young age, but I still goof around alot. Since they are all young, they don't fully comprehend what are is going on with the family. Each of my brothers opinions on what my dad does as a job varies, just like how I was when I was each one of their age. Ed thinks that my dad has the coolest job ever, working for planes. I was once just like that, but my dad said that he doesnt like his job as much because of the company he works for, so my opinion changed as well.

All my brothers bring a different spice to our mixed racial family. Ed, young and adorable is the life of the family beacause everything revolves around him and he gets away with everything. He looks just like my mother but would rather hang with my dad, just like how all my brothers did. Brandon is the funny one, he trully acts like a big brother to Ed. He believes that he is great at any sport and always gives it his all. Dohny is the quiet and shy one, but he is the smartest one by far. He constatnly suprises us with his witty answers. Christian is the oldest boy but I believe he is goin through puberity. Now he is acting as if he is the coolest guy ever, being a 6th grader in middle school. He loves the attention and definatley knows how to get it.All these personalities clash inside our house but each of us mellows each other.

I have to share a room with them and they are always dirty and very sloppy, but what do I expect from a bunch of boys. At least they love to take showers, except for one. They don't throw away their trash, don't clean their beds, throw their sweatshirts on the floor instead of hooking it and my biggest peeve is losing the remote to our T.V! I get very annoyed and start lashing out at them, but my parents yell at me to calm down. Sometimes I want to tell my parents, "why have four sons when they can't do anything?", but thats my angry side. Suprisingly, my brothers aren't as tough as I am, so they get all upset when I make fun of them. It's very fun but I have limits to how far I can go, which sometimes sucks. Eventhough we fight for fun or seriously I can't imagine being an only child.They are definatley the best brothers a girl can ask for!

1 comment:

  1. You had me at the first paragraph with "never leave your homework out on the table because your bother sees it as something to draw with"...What is the expression? "LOL."

    I'm a younger brother myself, and I caused my share of trouble to my older sister at one point in our childhood.
