Thursday, September 10, 2009

Statment of Purpose

The Beatles
Whenever someone asks me who your favorite band is, without a doubt it’s always going to be The Beatles. Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison are, in my opinion, one of the greatest bands of all time. Although they had broken up since 1970, their music carried on from my father’s generation to mine. They may not be as popular as they were back in the ‘90s but people still celebrate and remember their music after nearly forty-two years.

Rock Band, one of the greatest games created, has become one of the world’s most desired games of the 21st Century. Their newsiest sequel is Rock Band: The Beatles. This is the first that Rock Band has ever chosen to pick a band as its main theme. I believe that they chose The Beatles because they had numerous singles and anyone knows at least one song written by them.

If I was born during their time, I would definitely join the fan’s riots and sing every song. Every concert would be filled with girls screaming and every guy would have their signature mop hairstyle. Like every legends in the entertainment industry, fans want what they have and more. There was a point to where concerts weren’t about the music because the fans were going crazy just seeing them.

The main purpose of writing this is because they left a legacy of music to my family, myself and to my generation. Their music can be interpreted in different ways, but behind every song is a story. Each story and album goes through a different period in their lives and they can relate to someone else’s life.

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