Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Only Girl

Before I started my freshman year I was known as the "girl that plays football." I got alot of praise from my piers, who were primarily girls and some guys. The attention was nice but it wasn't something I really didn't want. I was just playing for the fun of the game. I was just naturally good at catching and liked like being aggresive in a sport. I rememeber the day when I had to pick up my gear and I was so nervous because I was curious to what the boys would think. I didn't realize how much gear I would have to wear. Some of the guys already knew who I was so it wasn't suprising because they knew me as the tomboy.After my mom picked me up, she said how it went and asked if I had changed my mind on the whole thing. My mom wasn't my biggest fan, but dad gave full support. He said " I'd rather have a daughter that kick ass as a quaterback then some cheerleader!" I thought that was the coolest thing for a dad to say. The gear was not what I expected, the helmet was really heavy and it squeezxed my head, the pads were hard to put in the pants, the pants looked like they were still dirty from last five years, and worst of all was the chest pad. Apparently I didn't strap the chest pad on correctly for a couple of days and my coach had to fix it, while I was wearing it.That was akward. I also had to braid my hair and push it down the back of my chest pad.
My first day of practice, I was so nervous and scared at the same time. My approach on this experience was that I was going to be a solid player but I didn't realize how much work it was. I didn't even know where to dress, but I had a locker room that was the coach's locker room but they never really used it. It looked like a janitors room and the after someone used the bathroom,the toilet would flush over and over. When we first started to practice we started with a warmed up. This was the middle of the afternoon and it was summer time, so I had to keep up with the boys and fight against the heat. Four hours of practice and only two water breaks. It was the hardest week I ever went through. I got the worst farmer's tan, half my legs was brown and the other half was white. The plus side was that I was getting a major workout, I was in the best shape of my life. After a couple of weeks I got use to the routine and the guys were nice to me.Eventhough they were nice off the field, they weren't on the field. After a couple of weeks and getting over every ache in my body I got use to the schedule. I ended up playing wide reciever, I didn't start but the x recievers switched in and out every play, so I got alot of playing time. I proved that I could play after playing against the JV team when I caught a touchdown, but unfortuanatley that was my last touchdown.I caught a few passes but didn't catch a touchdown in the games.
As sad as that is, I did have fun playing. The game is very intense and every touchdown or fumble is based on what the whole team does. I have messed up, especially in the last game which wasn't the best way to end my last season. For any girls that want to play, its a sport that you want to do, stick with it until the end of the season, never stop running or else your going to get smashed, always make sure you gear is tight, and most of all never be intimadated. I didn't return because I didn't like being the only girl that played football and it is hard for girl's body to go through that full on aggresive sport. Their has been girls that have played on other teams and they are all amazing players. I gained a reputation of being tough and people still just know me as the girl that played football. It was an amazing experience and I definatley won't forget what I achieved as being the only girl in a man's sport.

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