Friday, October 16, 2009

A Best Friend

A best friend is someone that you can talk to about anything, they don't judge you at all and give you the best advice they can give at any time. Lucky for me I have the best friends ever! I've realized that my best friends are not best freinds with each other. I don't expect them to become best friends with each other, just as long as they are best friends with me. High school is where you find out who you are and who your true friends are. I have known my three best friends for a very long time. One in particular is my oldest best friend, Sam E. I've known her since third grade at Otis Elementary. She was the new kid at school and so we didn't really talk as much but when we got to middle school we were both in the Lincold band. She played trumpet and I played trombone. She was a beastly player and teacher's favorite player. Out of no where we just became hella close. She was just a hella nice and chill person. All we would talk about was band and how cool it was to be in the band. Hence we became "band geeks" without looking like the stereotypical band geek. When the band trip came in 7th grade to Disneyland, we were in the same group. When we were suppose to get rooms of four, Sam and I were the only ones without a room of four, so we got our own beds. It was hella fun being roomates and getting to play on main st., Disneyland.

By 8th grade, Sam didn't play because she got braces and it was hard for her to play, so she didn't play. We still call each other "band geeks" and are the best of friends. She is a very dedicated golf player, and if all else fails in life, I could be her personal caddy. I saw a movie based on this golfer who's caddy became a millionaire. She is an amazing player, based on what I read and becoming alameda's best athlete last year and east bay golfer of the year. She is an inspiration to me because when you find something that you truley love to play a sport, you should always practice to become your best. Whenever I visit her house her family is always welcoming. One time we went for a run before school and I stopped by her house to shower and change for school, her mom started making breakfast for us. It wasn't your typical breakfast but like something you would eat for lunch or dinner, my favorite was the fried rice. I love her mother's cooking. It is probably better then my moms 'cause my mom never really learned how to cook until she had my brother.

Since we are both in high school, we are still the closest of best friends. Eventhough she has a busy schedule with golf, we still have hella fun. She usually stops by my house and just chills. She gets along with my family, and if my parents could they would adopt her. The also act nicer when someone is around, so it helps when she is over my place. She's an ultimate friend for sure!!! She can also drive which is a plus because I can't drive yet. We want to go to the same college but I don't know the chances of that, if we go to different colleges we are always going to the best of friends!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Annotation of Tatum Article

(3.)Though this group of children, almost all of whom were White, did not live near a large Native American population and probably had had little if any personal interaction with American Indians, they all had internalized an image of what Indians were like. How did they know? Cartoon images, in particular the Disney movie Peter Pan, were cited by the children as their number-one source of information. At the age of three, these children already had a set of stereotypes in place. Though I would not describe three-year-olds as prejudiced, the stereotypes to which they have been exposed become the foundation for the adult prejudices so many of us have.

In this paragraph from the Tatum article, it talked about the confusion of what three year olds think what Native Americans look like.I underlined the Native Americans part to talk about that they were the first to live in the U.S land. They were percieved as vicious people because of what these preschooler's parents and elders told them. The Native American's were the ones that brought their food to the pilgrims and were willing to share. They were treated badly by whites taking over their lands, thats why young kids don't know what they really look like. Neither do their parents becuase the Native American population decreased after losing their land to the whites. It is very true that what you are exposed to is what you think of some other culture thus stereotyping that type of cultre. I underlined that steretypes part, saying how stereotype leads to being prejudice to certain types of people.

Bob Marley

Usually most 5 year olds listen to Barney or the Teletubbies, but I listened to the pot smoking and no worries man Bob Marley. My older cousin would listen to him almost everyday and by the time I was 7 and capable of memorizing, I knew Bob Marley's biggest hits. His music always brought sometype of calmness to me. I never judged him smoking weed because I believe that some the biggest hits can come from guys that are high or sober. Whenever I am feeling depressed or angry, just a slide and a click on my ipod, I feel relaxed and can zone out from what I am stressing about. Some people use weed to make them feel good, I have to listen to a pot head's songs to feel good for the day. He touches so many souls with his reggae tone music. He voice and songs are the most original, talking about his experiences and thoughts living in Jamica.
Everyone in my family knows at least one song of his and every family party he is always played. My mom knows most of his songs as well. Everytime I play his music, she is always the first one to start singing. My dad sometimes sings but he never knows all the words. My dad loves repeating one of Marley's quotes, " Smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself." My dad of course would remember that quote because he was a semi big pot head and drinker. Though he has been sober for over 20 years, he likes to mention his troubled days so I don't repeat them. I told him no worries, everythings gonna be alright. My mom and I laughed but my dad didn't.
By the time I went to 6th grade I was all about Bob Marley. I don't think it was an obsession but just something that I believed was mine. Most teens my age know of him because he smoked but not his music. I had enough shirts to last me an entire week and sweatshirts, the only thing that was missing was an ipod so that I could listen to his music during class. My piers knew me for wearing his shirts almost twice or more a week, which got really old for me. Now I wear his shirts like once a month or twice a month, but I will never stop listening to his music. I have an ipod now so I can escape from anything and listen to my favorite artist of all time.