Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Annotation of Tatum Article

(3.)Though this group of children, almost all of whom were White, did not live near a large Native American population and probably had had little if any personal interaction with American Indians, they all had internalized an image of what Indians were like. How did they know? Cartoon images, in particular the Disney movie Peter Pan, were cited by the children as their number-one source of information. At the age of three, these children already had a set of stereotypes in place. Though I would not describe three-year-olds as prejudiced, the stereotypes to which they have been exposed become the foundation for the adult prejudices so many of us have.

In this paragraph from the Tatum article, it talked about the confusion of what three year olds think what Native Americans look like.I underlined the Native Americans part to talk about that they were the first to live in the U.S land. They were percieved as vicious people because of what these preschooler's parents and elders told them. The Native American's were the ones that brought their food to the pilgrims and were willing to share. They were treated badly by whites taking over their lands, thats why young kids don't know what they really look like. Neither do their parents becuase the Native American population decreased after losing their land to the whites. It is very true that what you are exposed to is what you think of some other culture thus stereotyping that type of cultre. I underlined that steretypes part, saying how stereotype leads to being prejudice to certain types of people.

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