Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lit #3

This book really brought sadness and joy. The saddest part was when May died in the river. I didn't expect that to happen even though the book revealed she had a problem with losing her twin, who shot herself. August and June seemed to see it coming. Thought they saw it coming they steal were grieving after the funeral. Another sad part of the book was when Zach is in jail. While reading, Lily feared he would come out angry against whites because of the way the whites treated Rosaleen. Fortunatley he did not and came out with twice as much determination to become a lawyer. I felt relief because I really wanted them to remain a friends, until they get older and become a couple. This sad moment became a "happily ever after" moment.

One part I was really confused on was when T.Ray came to the Boatwright. It was as if he came with anger and gave up, so he left. Lily even asked who shot her mother, and he said T.Ray. I honestly wouldn't be suprised if he shot her. I geuss when Lily hugged her, he felt some type of emotion that made him feel right to leaving her alone.

The biggest and finishing part was the truth about her mother. She had so much resentment to her mother for leaving her but found a family in the Boatwright house. Her mother was going to come back but Lily shot her before taking her. She has to live with it but she is living happily with the Boatwright family.

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