Friday, March 19, 2010


My rugby season is suprisingly going well. This year team is definatley dominated with more rookies, such as I, but still show some heart to what we learn every practice. I don't know what I would be playing if I wasn't playing rugby. Though I don't show it as much, I am very happy to playing this sport. I have tried to figure out what sport fits me the best and being athletic, I tried a "popular" sports. Football showed how much strength and courage I have. I didn't want to be known for playing football but I geuss I stood out. Basketball was difficult for me, the rules seemed to be too much and nothing flowed in a game. I one of players that stood out in practice but nothing would show in the games. I dreaded playing basketball and football games for the longest time. My coaches saw something in me and expected more, when I let them down it frustrated me more. Waterpolo was a joke to me, I tried taking it seriously but I was horrible. While everyone was swimming across the pool, I chilled out in the edge of the pool keeping my head up. Though everyone was a month ahead I was terrible with trying to keep up. I practiced only two days and then quit. My coach,who I knew through basketball, seemed to understand my position. What a relief to leave and know I was giving up anything important. I didn't feel like a quiter, just someone trying to find her place in this world of sports. Land sports, that is definatley my thing. Rugby was always in the back of my head but didn't seem so important, I considered playing badminton, but it was out of my comfort zone. So finally I decided to play the sport I said I would join my freshman year which is Rugby.
First of Rugby I had jitters, didn't know how the team would fit me in. I anticipated on playing a back but became a forward. I played positions I thought I would never play. I enjoy them but still would prefer to be a back. Our team doesn't have many strong or big players, one of the reasons I became a forward. Rugby fits me in taking out my aggresion, catching, running, and my favorite, hitting. Honestly it is the best part of the game, you won't get hurt if you run fast and hard. I've been told I'm not the type of person to fight or be anrgy but I do have things in life that need to be delt with aggression. Rugby completes that for me and this sport has done more for me. For one, my mom isn't telling me to work out, though pratice is twice a week I have put some more effort of the field. Running for instance in the morning has made me happier. This sport has brought me bliss and sometype of balance I can't explain. We have one three games, shuting out all three but lost one which I will not talk about. In my next game I hope to score and go hard to help my team win.

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