Friday, April 23, 2010

Monthly Review

The novel, Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, by James Patterson, is a adventurous story following the mutant birds of Max, Fang, Nudge, Iggy, Gasman, and Angel. This tightly fitted pack, a family of their own, take on the world being young children with different ages trying to blend and learn about their unfortunate pasts. Along the way they face malevolent creatures called the Erasers, who work at the experimental place called School. Max, the leader at the age of fourteen, finds her inner stenght and love for her mutant family. When Angel is captured by the Erasers, Max is determined to get her back and obtain some revenge from the whitecoats, the scientists, and the Erasers. After accomplishing her goal, she still faces a family that wants to know why who their parents are and why they would give them up. The idea of figuring the past haunts Max because she knows enought to see the outcome being disappointing but relief to at least showing them because it eventually would have been asked.

4.How would you describe the author's style of writing? What's your opinion of the style?
James Patterson shines in making this book loveable to variety of ages, especially the young children of imagination. The characters are all young and are mutants, trying to defeat the School. It basically sums up what every kid imagines of doing. His writing style in this book digs into a fourteen years old girl who is overly mature for her age. He includes in sarcasm and jokes, differently set in each character which is a unique style. A book packed with laughter and adventure is rare for me to read and so I think that is a great style to have. Though he is a dude, he empowered the vision and emotions of what a girl would see in her everyday life, though Max is a mutant. Her personality is shown alot through her thoughts such as "Note to self:Give subconscious a pep talk re: better dreams." Patterson equips the action scenes with full details, and it may not be G rated. When Max bites Ari, an Eraser and son of Jeb, the emotions from both characters exudes. From Max teeth digging through the skin and Ari's whailing of pain. The suspense in this book is key to having me wanting to finish this book before returning it. The sub-sections of each chapter ends with a shock, and Patterson breaks the book into sections of each character in a different setting. That was very interesting, because I have never seen that happen before in a book. The flow between each character is carried along smoothly which was enjoyable to see. The flow doesn't leave the readers hanging from what is going on with all the mutant kids. Another style incorporated is the forshadowing of who Max's true parents are. James Patterson's style is unique and his own which is enjoyable to read through out this book.

8.Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth.
Hands down my favorite character was Maximum Ride. She is an her own individuality that can't be overused in other books. The leader of the pack she believes in what is right and shows so much strenght emotionally and physically. From beginning to end, she grows stronger and smarter, though sometimes she doesn't want to follow her own plans, it is what's best for her family. She thinks first about what everyone is feeling and thinking, and puts herself last, even to her secretly admirer Fang. She is definatley likes to be hard headed but it is what she feels right. When she saw this girl in an abandoned warehouse with three guys who had guns, she intervened. The girl escaped, but Max did not leave easily. She got shot and that hurt her time of saving Angel, and everyone's patience. One trait that I liked about her is her strong willingness to understand that you can't trust someone who is working against you, such as the character Jeb. Jeb was a father figure to the pack and supposedly died until he showed up working in the school. " Now my eyes were telling me that he was one of them. THat maybe he'd been one of them all along. that everything I'd ever known or felt about him had been a rotten, stinking lie." Max's fast change of mind, shows she sets aside personal history and feelings for the better of her family. When Max endures the massive headaches, that shock her body, she still tries to give her strenght into escaping because without her she wouldn't be able to make sure her family it safe and living freely. The Voice that keeps talking to her with knowledge but no straight answers, angers Max. Her wisdom wasn't up to par until the Voice started to speak to her and so she learns to use knowledge to find a way to the Institute, which holds the key to the pack's past. Smarts, and strength will lead hopefully lead Max to saving this supposed "world."

James Patterson unique incite of creating these fictional characters in the same world that we live in could definatley make someone believe that is could be true or it is just someone's childhood memory to have powers. The characters are depicted differently and have the same emotions as any other mortal or human. The struggles are uncomparable which saddens some readers but the funny moments makes this book one of a kind. The settings are all different, and includes the never sleeping city of New York. As they struggle to blend with humans, they must embrace their new powers which eventually helps them find what they are looking for. For any reader who adores action, this book embraces a variety of ideas into escaping and fighting. This is the first of the series and I am truely awaiting to read these Maximum Ride books. A book worth the time.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lit Circle week 3

This book has become one of my favorites but I rarely read as many books as I should. When they went to New York, it was definatley interesting and action packed. They barely ate in this part of the book and that can take a major toll on their body even if they are mutants. They weren't superhuman but they could eat three thanksgiving meals but were always interrupted by other people such as the rutheless Erasers. The funniest part was when they went to a fansy restuarant, amd I could imagine how they looked, asking expensive food. The rude waiter got what was coming and when Max dumped the oil on him I chuckled. The character I hated the most was definatley Ari, Jeb's son. When Max killed him, it was as if she never wanted to do that and she finds out that she killed her brother which means Jeb is indeed her father. This really didn't suprise me as much because I thought it really could be true. The fact that she killed her brother would hurt more because she didn't even know and I don't know if she would accept it then because Max seemed to be in denial when Nudge asked.
The end of the book showed more of their powers and so this was incredible to read. Angel was the most suprising because she seemed to have the most powers that were showen in the book. She could control people somehow,she could read minds, and suprisingly she could breath underwater. As if she was part fish as well. That is a weird power to have but she doesn't seem to mind. Nudge in the end, find out that when she touches things, she gets a recap or history of who and what was going on in there before them. Nudge's new power is the coolest, actually of there powers are amazing. They went to the Institute and found more kids who are just like them and that is really creepy because if the world on new. Oh yeah, Max has this voice in her that keeps talking knowledge but no straight answers. It annoys her but somehow she is coming to terms with it and thinks, making her a better and stronger leader. I have this weird feeling that it's her mother, I don't know how to explain it but it seems to be helping her and in the end of the book the Voice said it loved her. I geuss she is talking through the chip? Well whatever it is, it's helping them live longer.
When Max's Voice keeps saying she has to save the world. Max thinks that her world is her family, Nudge, Fang, Iggy, Gasman, and Angel. I think it is every child or animal that was tested on and has become a mutuant. She is young but too mature for her age. She could become this strong and powerful person that can take on the world, her world or maybe it is the entire world, mutants and mortals. I am eager to read the rest of the series to find out what this "world" she have to save and hopefully the complete pack are still alive.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Rugby Season over

Lately I have not blogged about my rugby season so far. Our season is finished and I believe we are ranked 3rd out of 7 teams which really isnt that big of a position because we should be second. Well, my last two games are most memorable because I didn't get to finish the game. About three weeks ago, we were playing the Amazons, who are ridicously big and strong.Their name says it all. Basically they aren't the type of team you could beat unless we had big girls just like them, but we don't. Anyways, we were playing and I was playing pretty good. Theny WHAM!! Well I don't know if it was exactly a wham but all I remember was laying on the ground with my head throbbing. I tried opening my eyes but I was so dizzy, I felt lost. I didn't know what I was doing and where I was. Pretty view of the sky but people were surrounding me asking memory questions. They asked me the date and honestly I didnt know because I never know the date. I realized after 20 minutes that I couldn't g back and play so I started crying. I know, not exactly what I should be doing, but it pissed me off. I wanted at least get some smackes on these girls before they celebrate their win. I hate losing, especially if you know your team won't win. The sad part is, we have less dedicated players then players who barely try. We all could be such a better team if we worked twice as hard. Also, my family came out to watch me play. My cousin, who is more of an older brother was there and he is the reason of why I play sports and athletic. I sort of wanted to show him how good I was for a rookie and a starter. He did come down to see if I was good but I was sad that he couldn't really see my full potential in the game. I went to the doctor a couple days later and they said I have an concussion and can't play rugby for two weeks. Concussions are a pain in the butt, you can't move as much and my brother teased me, saying I have amnesia instead. I would hit him but my head would start throbbing. Missing practice sucked as well. I would stand during practice and watch everyone work, while I froze. Luckily, my next game was in two weeks. I got the doctor's permission to play and that felt great.

Our last game was against this scrappy team. They show up late and during the game they complain about getting tackled. I really wanted to swing at one girl for talking so much trash. We completely shut them out and they still were talking. Hopefully, the Amazons will shut them up. I played a completely different position and I was hard! I filled the position of our top back player because she was in Italy. I was so nervous and I did pretty good. I was suprised. So our season is over and we came out with a 5-2 record. Not bad but it should be 6-1. I can't way to play in the championship tournament. We are going to completely demolish the Motherlode, but I doubt we will beat the Amazons, but we never know.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, lit letter 1&2

Maximum Ride The Angel Experiment by James Patterson brings laughter and excitement in one, which really suprised me. Max, who is only fourteen takes this big role as the the leader of the pack, including Fang, Nudge, Iggy, Gasman, and Angel. The very beginning of the book felt as if it drawed me into the story because it was as if I was part of the whole book. It turned it was more of a way to keep the readers reading and had a background of the story and characters. This is a book series and I do believe we are reading the first of the Maximum Ride series. The book starts of by describing that Max and her crew, or family, are all 2% birds and rest humans. They are experiments of the whitecoated Erasers, who work in the School. The conception of the book, of how the antagonists work for the school brings was simple but made the book more interesting. Millions of children dread the thought of school and so this book reaches a level of popularity in my case. Well back to the book, Max is so young but she is suprisingly mature and how she became the leader when Fang is the same age and a boy. Bonus points for having a femal heroin and she sticks to her gut feeling of doing what is right. Fang brings calmness and mysteriousness to him. He can get along with Hawks and understand them but can't show emotion to anyone else. Nudge is the stubborn one of the crew, and wants to follow her heart instead of thinking of the consequences. Iggy is blind, but he is definatley smart like Fang. I was amazed about how he could create a bomb using Gasman's eyes. Gasman and Angel are biologically siblings of the group and both are sweethearts. Gasman is the tpe of kid that likes to follow the group and join. Angel is purely an angel. I have fallen in love with her character because she so mature and sweet.

When Angel was captured it really brings this sadness, because she is the youngest. After reading up to the third paperclip, the erasers are jerks who treated Angel with the worst respect. She is undertreated and so she is weak but the Erasers were happy to be testing subject "11". When Max, Fang, and Nudge go to rescue Angel, of course they get sidetracked. The most interesing side adventure was when Max decided to an abandoned warehouse. In the warehouse she saves this younger girl from two guys with a gun and after kicking their butt she tries to escape and gets shot in the process. She then gets pulled into the house of Ella, the girl she saved. Ella and her mother, who is a doctor, take in Max as part of the family. I think Ella's mom is so loving and shocked me when she tries to understand Max's bird situation and she didn't even rat Max out to the Erasers. The Erasers are really annoying because they can find them in less than an hour or two. When Max got that X-ray scan I think she really does have a chip inside of her, and the others possibly as well. If so this is how they are getting caught, thought they seem to find a way to escape. Hopefully after they save Angel, I hope they go back to Ella's home and stay there.

The last part of these two paperclip section is that Max and Fang get caught. I'm so upset they got caught, because I wanted them to walk in with a plan. Then to bring more shock and storytelling, the Erasers have been working with Jeb. The dude that trained them. I would have taken out all my aggression out on him, if I were Max because he seemed to be on there side. I should have seen this when Ari, Jeb's son, became an Eraser. Jeb told Max that she is to sav the world, as if she was a secret lethal weapon, and I honestly think that is all lies. Every moment spent with Jeb was a lie. I can't wait to see Max and the bird family to get their revenge.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Last quarter writing goals

This year is almost coming to an end and I still have thoughts about new blog posts and improving my writing skills. Over this school year I feel I am able to present myself through my writing. If someone were to read my blogs, they could get a good sense of who I am. My insecurities about writing is breaking down bit by bit but I still would like to work on it. My major fallback is not proofreading my work, mostly because I literally work til last minute and knock out by the time I post my blog. Proofreading is a number one priority with my writing. I haven't reached the profound use of vocabulary and I would really like to work on that as well. Hopefully my writing will reach these standards before I hit the end of the year. If not I guess I will continue on with this next year.
The first thing I am going to write about is rugby. I grown to fall in love with sport even though I'm not playing the position I want. Maybe I will playing the position I want, but that is for future blogs. My blogs will vary so much that I can't stick to specific topics. Blogging to me is blogs of life experience, happening recently and fresh in my mind. I tried to do sticking to specific topics last semester but it was a major flop. My two topics I could possibly write forever about, is movies and rugby.Movies seems to be easy blog because the thoughts about certain films, directors, and actors burst out of me. I have watched a good amount for now and I have all these inputs and opinions.An easy way to write a blog that is about 500 words. I felt proud about my movie blogs. The Disney top 10 controversies was a big step to showing my opinionated side. Though I like to write about movies and rugby, I'd like to write about recent topics that is happening in the world or in my own life.
This last quarter will defiantly be a struggle to stay on top of everything. I have been improving on lessening my procrastination and so I study longer. I want to raise my grades to at least a 4.0 GPA but I need to study longer hours for test, especially in math. Math for some reason is a struggle when taking tests, but I do the homework and the quizzes are good. My expectations for this last quarter is set very high, I have to self motivate myself because my parents have to much to worry about. It would be a disappointment to my parents, if I didn't go to a university or state, and so I must try harder in sports and especially school. My athletic abilities could get people to recognize me but smarts gets me a jobs. I don't want to become a professional athlete, but I may change my mind over the years.