Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, lit letter 1&2

Maximum Ride The Angel Experiment by James Patterson brings laughter and excitement in one, which really suprised me. Max, who is only fourteen takes this big role as the the leader of the pack, including Fang, Nudge, Iggy, Gasman, and Angel. The very beginning of the book felt as if it drawed me into the story because it was as if I was part of the whole book. It turned it was more of a way to keep the readers reading and had a background of the story and characters. This is a book series and I do believe we are reading the first of the Maximum Ride series. The book starts of by describing that Max and her crew, or family, are all 2% birds and rest humans. They are experiments of the whitecoated Erasers, who work in the School. The conception of the book, of how the antagonists work for the school brings was simple but made the book more interesting. Millions of children dread the thought of school and so this book reaches a level of popularity in my case. Well back to the book, Max is so young but she is suprisingly mature and how she became the leader when Fang is the same age and a boy. Bonus points for having a femal heroin and she sticks to her gut feeling of doing what is right. Fang brings calmness and mysteriousness to him. He can get along with Hawks and understand them but can't show emotion to anyone else. Nudge is the stubborn one of the crew, and wants to follow her heart instead of thinking of the consequences. Iggy is blind, but he is definatley smart like Fang. I was amazed about how he could create a bomb using Gasman's eyes. Gasman and Angel are biologically siblings of the group and both are sweethearts. Gasman is the tpe of kid that likes to follow the group and join. Angel is purely an angel. I have fallen in love with her character because she so mature and sweet.

When Angel was captured it really brings this sadness, because she is the youngest. After reading up to the third paperclip, the erasers are jerks who treated Angel with the worst respect. She is undertreated and so she is weak but the Erasers were happy to be testing subject "11". When Max, Fang, and Nudge go to rescue Angel, of course they get sidetracked. The most interesing side adventure was when Max decided to an abandoned warehouse. In the warehouse she saves this younger girl from two guys with a gun and after kicking their butt she tries to escape and gets shot in the process. She then gets pulled into the house of Ella, the girl she saved. Ella and her mother, who is a doctor, take in Max as part of the family. I think Ella's mom is so loving and shocked me when she tries to understand Max's bird situation and she didn't even rat Max out to the Erasers. The Erasers are really annoying because they can find them in less than an hour or two. When Max got that X-ray scan I think she really does have a chip inside of her, and the others possibly as well. If so this is how they are getting caught, thought they seem to find a way to escape. Hopefully after they save Angel, I hope they go back to Ella's home and stay there.

The last part of these two paperclip section is that Max and Fang get caught. I'm so upset they got caught, because I wanted them to walk in with a plan. Then to bring more shock and storytelling, the Erasers have been working with Jeb. The dude that trained them. I would have taken out all my aggression out on him, if I were Max because he seemed to be on there side. I should have seen this when Ari, Jeb's son, became an Eraser. Jeb told Max that she is to sav the world, as if she was a secret lethal weapon, and I honestly think that is all lies. Every moment spent with Jeb was a lie. I can't wait to see Max and the bird family to get their revenge.

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