Friday, April 2, 2010

Last quarter writing goals

This year is almost coming to an end and I still have thoughts about new blog posts and improving my writing skills. Over this school year I feel I am able to present myself through my writing. If someone were to read my blogs, they could get a good sense of who I am. My insecurities about writing is breaking down bit by bit but I still would like to work on it. My major fallback is not proofreading my work, mostly because I literally work til last minute and knock out by the time I post my blog. Proofreading is a number one priority with my writing. I haven't reached the profound use of vocabulary and I would really like to work on that as well. Hopefully my writing will reach these standards before I hit the end of the year. If not I guess I will continue on with this next year.
The first thing I am going to write about is rugby. I grown to fall in love with sport even though I'm not playing the position I want. Maybe I will playing the position I want, but that is for future blogs. My blogs will vary so much that I can't stick to specific topics. Blogging to me is blogs of life experience, happening recently and fresh in my mind. I tried to do sticking to specific topics last semester but it was a major flop. My two topics I could possibly write forever about, is movies and rugby.Movies seems to be easy blog because the thoughts about certain films, directors, and actors burst out of me. I have watched a good amount for now and I have all these inputs and opinions.An easy way to write a blog that is about 500 words. I felt proud about my movie blogs. The Disney top 10 controversies was a big step to showing my opinionated side. Though I like to write about movies and rugby, I'd like to write about recent topics that is happening in the world or in my own life.
This last quarter will defiantly be a struggle to stay on top of everything. I have been improving on lessening my procrastination and so I study longer. I want to raise my grades to at least a 4.0 GPA but I need to study longer hours for test, especially in math. Math for some reason is a struggle when taking tests, but I do the homework and the quizzes are good. My expectations for this last quarter is set very high, I have to self motivate myself because my parents have to much to worry about. It would be a disappointment to my parents, if I didn't go to a university or state, and so I must try harder in sports and especially school. My athletic abilities could get people to recognize me but smarts gets me a jobs. I don't want to become a professional athlete, but I may change my mind over the years.

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