Friday, February 26, 2010

Today's Hot List Entries

I have recently become a member of the, a site filled with movie ratings, critics, and reviews. Usually before I see a movie, I like to read the rating of the movie because I want my money to be spent on a movie worth watching. Rottentomatoes is the best site to visit for a good movie choice, in my opinion. After creating an account, they listed " Today's Hot List Entries" which were The Godfather, Taxi Drvier, The Godfather Part II, Goodfellas, and No Country for Old Men. Out of all these movies I would watch The Godfather, directed in 1972 by Francis Ford Coppolla and starring Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, and James Caan. This movie is claimed to be the best movie of all time and undoubtedly it is. This movie brought us into a whole new world of being part of an italian mafia family. Marlon Brando shined through his intimidating and respected character, Don Vito Corleone, the ultimate godfather and gave the most memorables lines of all " I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." Though being in the mafia, such power could strain one person, showed through the rest of the Godfather movies in Al Pacino's character, Micheal Corleone.
Of course the next movie to watch would be Godfather part II, but based on the order of what I think are the best of cinematography, I would watch Taxi Driver. Taxi Driver was directed by Martin Scrosese in 1976 starring Robert De Niro and Jodie Foster. The first thing I love about this movie is how Rober De Niro's character, Travis Bickle, drives through the rundown and grimey streets of New York and analyzes how people act around their environment. De Niro prevails in acting out a twisted guy with the need to do what he believes is right and Foster shows her first works as a real actress, acting as a young prostitute. I admite some parts of this movie is so unecessary but the Travis Bickle character can never be remade in cinematography history. Okay, now you can watch the rest of the Godfather Part II, which brings more of a young Robert De Niro as an young immigrant of Don Vito Corleone.
Goodfellas, another movie directed by Scrosese, starring Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta. One of my favorite actors, Robert De Niro, again shows another badass in this gangster film. The moive is narrated through Ray Liotta's character, Henry Hill. Henry Hill shows what it takes to become one of the trusted member of a gang. If you didn't follow the rules you were to get smacked. If Scrosese and Coppolla were to create a film together, it would be the most bloddy and realistic gangster moive, but for now it's just a dream.
The next film that you of course would be No Country for Old Men, directed by the Colen Brothers, and starring Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, and Josh Brolin. This movie I'm not to crazy about, but I think I am only saying that because the ending pissed me off when I first watched it. Later on I found out the reason for the ending, and though I wish it was different, it made complete sense with movie. My favorite charcter was Javier Bardem's character Anton, a psycho killer for money. To me, his character is the modern day Frankenstein carrying around a powerful oxygen tank that was connected to some type of device that would shoot out enought oxygen to leave a whole through a key hole. His character was unstoppable, and that is why his charcter survives. Tommy Lee Jones played the old sherieff that basically gives in because there's "No Country for Old Men." To me a good movie but nothing compared to the others.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Opening the door to Main St. CafĂ©, a guy named Robbie walks in with enthusiasm, wearing a buttoned up shirt, and jeans. He looks for a spot to sit and waits for the arrival of his best friend. While Robbie smiles down at the flyer he brought, there was a shadow, hovering over Leonard’s shoulder. Robbie stares and says “Hey took you long enough.” Hovering over his shoulder was Robbie’s best friend, Leonard. Leonard was the complete opposite of Robbie, he looked grimy with a messy beard and crooked glasses, wearing a flannel shirt and ripped jeans.
“What do you want Rob?” Leonard says with no expression.
“Dude, don’t tell me you’re still sad about Ren?”
“Explain to me why I am here?”
“Read this.” Robbie hands over Leonard the flyer:

Are you pursuing to become a director? You want to be just like Steven Spielberg and James Cameron? Want to create a box office hit, well you’re in luck. Paramount Pictures, us, are in search for the next big movie and director(s). All you have to do is make an hour movie and a script to your movie. For all information see other side.

“No!” Leonard slams the flier and starts to leave then Robbie pulls him back down.
“Hey I haven’t even said anything, let alone asked anything from you.”
While sighing, Leonard stares directly at Robbie, “I already know what you are going to say. You are going to ask me to make a movie with you and then you think we are going to win and then we are going to move to Hollywood as happy and rich celebrities,” Leonard says sarcastically.
“Well then. Hey waitress,” snapping his fingers, “can you get my friend something that will loosen him up a little.”
“Rob, I have to go.”
“You have nowhere to go Leonard. You’ll just go back to your bed, laying there thinking about Ren. I wouldn’t be surprised if you started crying.”
Leonard sits back down, “I don’t cry. It just hurts Rob. It’s like she pulled out my heart and stomped on it and stuffed it back in my chest.”
“You only knew her for two weeks. That’s sad and she’s weird, she only likes nerds. Not that you’re a complete nerd, your just top of our business class and she only left you because Steve looks like Albert Einstein.”
“Fine but I’m still not doing the movie.”
“Okay, BUT you’re an amazing writer and I’m top of my film class.”
“Rob, I write for the Senior Center newspaper. Old people love my stuff, especially the old ladies because they love squeezing my chubby cheeks. I don’t write stories, and if I did I would write about a guy, who spent his life trying to make it big, and failed miserably.”
“Hey that would be a great idea!” Robbie shouts, shaking his head.
Leonard then continues on with disapproving ideas, while Robbie zones out, thinking about intriguing ideas that would captivate movie viewers. Robbie thought about classic movies made from Paramount and tried to envision a story that has never been done before. He realized that he couldn’t envision this without his best friend. Sure he wrote for the senior center but Robbie knew Leonard has been writing tons of stories in creative writing. All of his stories varied from drama to comedy but had a story that everyone would listen to. Robbie then had to think of how to get his best friend to take the chance.
“…Your ideas are ridiculous. Rob I got to go.” Again Leonard tries to leave.
“Well, I guess your right. Hey where are you going? I need to pay first. You want to lend me a couple bucks?”
“What the hell Rob, first you come with a stupid idea...”
“Hey excuse me miss.” Robbie calls over the pretty waitress. “Hello but my friend has a question for you.” Robbie elbows Leonard, “Please excuse the way he looks, he’s having a rough time.”
Leonard stares at the waitress, in ah of her looks.
“Leonard,” Robbie snaps his fingers, “Well my friend here, he’s trying to make a movie for Paramount Pictures and is in desperate need of a leading actress. Right Leonard.”
“Uhh yeah, yeah. I’m looking for that girl with something special and you’re perfect…for that role.”
Leonard smiles and after the waitress agrees, they walk off to their dorm to start writing.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Top 10 Disney Controversies

Time Magazine,,28804,1946727_1946724,00.html, wrote about the top 10 controversies in Disney movies. The top 10 controversies were, The Princess and the Frog, Aladdin, Song of the South, Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid, Dumbo, Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, Pocahontas, and in tenth spot was in general all Disney movies with princesses who have problems. These movies that are all listed are all Disney classics except the latest release of The Princess and the Frog. Disney movies are all loved by every generation, being one of the top family movies, and giving good morals to young children. Though this may be true to an extent, Disney has stirred up controversies that hs been covered up by the magic of having money. The first controversy was The Princess and the Frog. Time magazine stated it as the first Disney movie with a African American heroine. Time magazine smashed the Disney movie with its first black heroine who ends up with a light skinned hero. I have never seen the movie, nor do I plan to because I hate the fact critics compared to the best Disney movie, Lion King. I would like to say though Lion King was a movie set in Africa and though the all the characters were all animals they were "African." The hero would be of course Simba, but I geuss animals don't count towards bringing different races into these movies. In the Aladdin movie, the opening song sang ""where they cut off your ear/ If they don't like your face," and concludes, "It's barbaric, but hey, it's home." Arab-Americans slammed the movie because it stereotyped Arab people. This is crazy for a g-rated movie to have such content. I never realized it and my parents didn't either. Animated movies and cartoon shows appeal to young children but have adult content. I understand why parents have tried to bring an end to kid's favorite cartoons. Though Aladdin gave such content, to an extent it does happen in most of Arab but Disney made it another perfect ending with the guy saving the weak and lonely princess.
The Dinsey verison of Alice and the Wonderland, took the characters and changed them to be happy characters. Honestly, theres nothing wrong with that. It's like Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, people change the characters around and make it appealing to certain people. If your going to make a remake of any type of classic, then it better be amazing. Disney did exactly that, they took the unknown Lewis Carol tale and turned it into a childhood favorite. Alice in Wonderland has been adaptated again with Tim Burton's 3D version, and more kids will know about the Disney story today then any other period. In the Little Mermaid, Time Magazine stated that it stired up controversy because it the postr of the castle resembled a penis. "But the movie's home-video cover deserved an adults-only rating, at least in the eyes of many scandalized parents. One of the tall, thin castle spires depicted in the cover's artwork (also used in posters and other promotional materials) bore an uncanny resemblance to the kind of protuberance that men generally cover up with bathing suits." At least at the fact that the main character, Ariel was swimming around in a bra. That controversey was complete nonsense. All of these controversies are true in some circumstances but they some are just ridiculous. Disney has lost its touch lately, but I geuss they have to back up their movies, and their not the only company that brings in soo many controversies into the film industry.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rugby Results

Last Sunday was the craziest day of this year, but definatley the most exciting and tiring. I woke up around 5:30 AM to get to the Woodstock field to go to Sacremento for the Red Robin Tournament, women's rugby tounament. It was my first ever rugby game and I was sort of juiced. My cold got worse so I didn't know how well I was going to play. Usuallly I get so caught up into playing that I don't pay attention to me physically. Our first game was against one of the hardest we will probably ever face. The Amazon team, which consist of mostly Tongan girls, who were two times bigger then us. We held our own in the scrum which I was proud of and I got in some good tackles, but their toughness and built bodies ran over our defense, including me. One of their own coaches complimented our scrum and so that made my first game even a greater experience. Our next game against Mother Lode, was completely different from our Amazon game. The Mother Lode was a team that have been playing together for a while and so they know what they are doing, compared to us who have never played together as a team. We got killed by them and one of there forwards was a beast. She scored over and over, I tackled her once. The saddest part was their beastley forward was scoring from the same route. By our third game, some of players were getting injured. From bloddy nose, concussions, sprained hands and more. We were all tired after our second game because of being unfit so some of us wanted to just go to sleep. Somehow we pulled it together to get our first score in the tournament against Humbolt. After our first score we continued on with scoring and we were all excited. Then after that we scored a couple more times. I was relieved that we were done.Before we finished, one of our players had to "shoot the boot." I'm geussing if you scored then you have to drink gatorade out of you own cleat with grass. It was a good day of rugby and we definatley need to practice more on fundamentals and getting fit. I am looking forward to our next game as a stronger team.
When I got home a whole different sport was going on. My entire family was cheering on the Saints, while I was trying to wash up and ice my bruises. I wanted to sleep but who could sleep when during the Superbowl. Sure tons of people can but, I love football. I think it's the most easiest sport to understand but I have been watching since I was 5 years old. I got home and the score was 10 - 3 Colts. I was shocked, but I love watching the comebacks. I believe those who can make a comeback have more of a heart than anything else. When Peyton threw the interception the game was over and done. Drew Brees was amazing in this game, and he won because he admitted that he doesn't watch the scoreboard but play. I think that motto wil be my own motto for this rugby season. This will be easy because rugby hasn't reach the publicity to have our own scoreboard, i think.

Friday, February 5, 2010


This sunday is a huge day! First of all its Superbowl Sunday!! Everyone should be cheering for the Saints because they have never been in the Superbowl. The Colts should just throw in the towel, becuase they've won numerous times and everyone knows Peyton Manning is one of the all time best quarterbacks. The Saints deserve this win and all season would have had a perfect season but unfortunatley they lost one game. Just one game that a person lost sticks with them forever. This sunday is the biggest game in American sports and I'm going to miss the kickoff because of rugby. Rugby is an amazingly fun sport, thought I haven't practiced much, this sport fits me as an athlete. I sometimes wonder why I played basketball instead of rubgy. Well you learn from your mistakes so I'm making up for lost time by going two times harder in practice. I even get to start on the team as flanker. Flanker basically rushes up on the defense if they get the ball or they stay behind supporting the forwards. Forwards are like the recievers of football. The only downfall of this sport if that we have a tournament on Superbowl Sunday! I hate missing the kickoff, it builds the rush to watching the game. To take out my anger I am going to hit the first girl so hard that she will not realize what she is suppose to be doing. I'm not a cocky player but when I am angry I take it out on sports.
To add on to this anger of mine, I am coming down with this nasty cold. I can't sleep because my dry throat irritates me and a stuffy nose. I'm twice as tired then usual and I realized this week is a busy week. Suprisingly, once I start playing it doesn't bother me so much but I want to be completely healthy. Every year since I was a freshman I have gotten pneumonia and it always starts off with a cold while I am playing a sport. This year it will not happen! The worst thing is to play crapy and then go home with a fever. It is the worst feeling but I love to play! Sports just relax me and its just a natural ability of mine. I learn twice as much, but I can nail a certain shot or tackle in two weeks or less. Hopefully, I will come out with wins in both my tournament and football, and will be healthy before Sunday.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Homes of the Stars by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The dialogue that I chose was to write about was from The Homes of the Stars. In this short story, about a guy named Pat Hobby who takes these tourists, the Robinsons, through the Hollywood homes. The Robinsons believed he could take them to these A-list celebrities but they end up getting scammed by this struggling writer. This story is parallel to F. Scott Fitzgerald own life. The part of dialogue I focused upon was the when Mr. and Mrs. Robinson lecture about the stars they adore, to the part when Pat drives away from Ronald Colman. While driving to Colman's home, the Robinson's question Pat reason for giving tours while he a writer for movies. Fitzgerald shines in making up dialogue that shows how a man can think on his feet and make up every lie to look good. When Mr. Robinson asked why the writer's were in strike for, Pat responds by saying, " Oh, better living conditions,' he said finally, 'free pencils and paper. I don't know- it's all in the Wagner Act.' After a moment he added vaguely, ' Recognize Finland." The classic, make up a white lie and change the subject so the person you are lyinging to doesn't further interrogate you. His lies keeps the story going because the reader wants to read on how far this guy can go until he gets caught. Pat Hobby's character takes in these people that are in love with actor's lifestyles and scams them for some extra cash, because they would believe any L.A native.