Friday, February 12, 2010

Rugby Results

Last Sunday was the craziest day of this year, but definatley the most exciting and tiring. I woke up around 5:30 AM to get to the Woodstock field to go to Sacremento for the Red Robin Tournament, women's rugby tounament. It was my first ever rugby game and I was sort of juiced. My cold got worse so I didn't know how well I was going to play. Usuallly I get so caught up into playing that I don't pay attention to me physically. Our first game was against one of the hardest we will probably ever face. The Amazon team, which consist of mostly Tongan girls, who were two times bigger then us. We held our own in the scrum which I was proud of and I got in some good tackles, but their toughness and built bodies ran over our defense, including me. One of their own coaches complimented our scrum and so that made my first game even a greater experience. Our next game against Mother Lode, was completely different from our Amazon game. The Mother Lode was a team that have been playing together for a while and so they know what they are doing, compared to us who have never played together as a team. We got killed by them and one of there forwards was a beast. She scored over and over, I tackled her once. The saddest part was their beastley forward was scoring from the same route. By our third game, some of players were getting injured. From bloddy nose, concussions, sprained hands and more. We were all tired after our second game because of being unfit so some of us wanted to just go to sleep. Somehow we pulled it together to get our first score in the tournament against Humbolt. After our first score we continued on with scoring and we were all excited. Then after that we scored a couple more times. I was relieved that we were done.Before we finished, one of our players had to "shoot the boot." I'm geussing if you scored then you have to drink gatorade out of you own cleat with grass. It was a good day of rugby and we definatley need to practice more on fundamentals and getting fit. I am looking forward to our next game as a stronger team.
When I got home a whole different sport was going on. My entire family was cheering on the Saints, while I was trying to wash up and ice my bruises. I wanted to sleep but who could sleep when during the Superbowl. Sure tons of people can but, I love football. I think it's the most easiest sport to understand but I have been watching since I was 5 years old. I got home and the score was 10 - 3 Colts. I was shocked, but I love watching the comebacks. I believe those who can make a comeback have more of a heart than anything else. When Peyton threw the interception the game was over and done. Drew Brees was amazing in this game, and he won because he admitted that he doesn't watch the scoreboard but play. I think that motto wil be my own motto for this rugby season. This will be easy because rugby hasn't reach the publicity to have our own scoreboard, i think.

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