Friday, February 19, 2010

Top 10 Disney Controversies

Time Magazine,,28804,1946727_1946724,00.html, wrote about the top 10 controversies in Disney movies. The top 10 controversies were, The Princess and the Frog, Aladdin, Song of the South, Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid, Dumbo, Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, Pocahontas, and in tenth spot was in general all Disney movies with princesses who have problems. These movies that are all listed are all Disney classics except the latest release of The Princess and the Frog. Disney movies are all loved by every generation, being one of the top family movies, and giving good morals to young children. Though this may be true to an extent, Disney has stirred up controversies that hs been covered up by the magic of having money. The first controversy was The Princess and the Frog. Time magazine stated it as the first Disney movie with a African American heroine. Time magazine smashed the Disney movie with its first black heroine who ends up with a light skinned hero. I have never seen the movie, nor do I plan to because I hate the fact critics compared to the best Disney movie, Lion King. I would like to say though Lion King was a movie set in Africa and though the all the characters were all animals they were "African." The hero would be of course Simba, but I geuss animals don't count towards bringing different races into these movies. In the Aladdin movie, the opening song sang ""where they cut off your ear/ If they don't like your face," and concludes, "It's barbaric, but hey, it's home." Arab-Americans slammed the movie because it stereotyped Arab people. This is crazy for a g-rated movie to have such content. I never realized it and my parents didn't either. Animated movies and cartoon shows appeal to young children but have adult content. I understand why parents have tried to bring an end to kid's favorite cartoons. Though Aladdin gave such content, to an extent it does happen in most of Arab but Disney made it another perfect ending with the guy saving the weak and lonely princess.
The Dinsey verison of Alice and the Wonderland, took the characters and changed them to be happy characters. Honestly, theres nothing wrong with that. It's like Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, people change the characters around and make it appealing to certain people. If your going to make a remake of any type of classic, then it better be amazing. Disney did exactly that, they took the unknown Lewis Carol tale and turned it into a childhood favorite. Alice in Wonderland has been adaptated again with Tim Burton's 3D version, and more kids will know about the Disney story today then any other period. In the Little Mermaid, Time Magazine stated that it stired up controversy because it the postr of the castle resembled a penis. "But the movie's home-video cover deserved an adults-only rating, at least in the eyes of many scandalized parents. One of the tall, thin castle spires depicted in the cover's artwork (also used in posters and other promotional materials) bore an uncanny resemblance to the kind of protuberance that men generally cover up with bathing suits." At least at the fact that the main character, Ariel was swimming around in a bra. That controversey was complete nonsense. All of these controversies are true in some circumstances but they some are just ridiculous. Disney has lost its touch lately, but I geuss they have to back up their movies, and their not the only company that brings in soo many controversies into the film industry.

1 comment:

  1. This is a freakin' awesome essay. You present the issue, look at multiple sides of the controversy while sending your own strong message...and you present sourced evidence, skillfully integrated right into the text, all the way along.

    Bravo, in short. You can be very proud of this one!
