Friday, May 14, 2010

Lit Circle 2

I finally finished the book, "A Maximum Ride: Saving the World and other extreme sports" by James Patterson. This book defiantly one of the best since the first one because we skipped the second one. Even though we skipped the second book, the third one carried on with the complete review. I am going to talk about the second half of our book though I know what will happen in the end. I want to get into the deeper thought of this book and tear into pieces, one by one.

"Fly west without Max, was like flying missing, Fang thought. He kept seeing her
face, furious, confused, and, even though she would never admit it, scared. He'd
seen that face just about every day of his entire life. He'd seen that it filthy
with caked-on dirt, bruises and bloodied, snarling, laughing, sleeping, telling
complicated lies with total sincerity... looking down at him with that light in
her eyes, that communication between them...:"

This was a big part in how the flock would manage without each other, especially the dynamic duo of Max and Fang. It was as if they were taking a time away and tried the waters with out each other. Max did clarify that they were going out with each other and broke up the day after escaping the School with the tremendously dangerous Aris, Max's brother. Though we all know that Ari is going to die, Fang is threatened by his presence and giving away their hideouts. In the real life, Max would choose Ari because they are siblings, but she let him join because he was going to die soon. I believe he wasn't ever to turn into an Eraser, but how would we know? Max has this big heart for the hopeless and despaired kids. I think that is the saddest thing ever for Ari to die at the age of seven. Fang and Max are just meant for each other and will defiantly make the ultimate couple because they are 2% bird. Fang's absence makes Max even weaker to fight and this shows when they get caught again and Max has to see Jeb.

" A sudden wave of exhaustion almost sucked on under. I wanted to roll up
into a fetal position and stay there for the rest of my life, which I hoped
would be mercifully short. I had been working so hard for so long, going at 140
percent. i had pretty much hit rock bottom"

Max's body is taking a major toll in saving the world business. Her flock unit is half absent, doing something in the other side of the state, while her, Angel, Nudge, and Ari try to escape the Itex, from the Director, who is supposedly her mother. When Jeb walks in, all he does is acknowledge Max to keep trying, because he is the "voice." I guessed in a previous lit circle letter that the "voice" was her mother, but it turned to be her father. Though I'm not really surprised we also find out that her mother is Dr.Martinez. That part shocked me the most out the entire book. Max's body was crashing, I think from all the stress and finding more about her past even when she didn't even want to. This book keeps surprising me a lot over each page, and from finally finishing, I am captivated from every scene. I am anxious to read the next book, and hopefully finishing this action series.

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