Friday, May 28, 2010

Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports

The novel, Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson is about a flock of mutants trying to save the world. The third installment of the Maximum Ride books takes the two percent of bird mutants into more challenges within each other. They find out who is the true leader and who they can listen to for reference. The biggest obstacles go to Max because she still looks for the missing pieces to who is her mother and father and why Ari is always trying to kill her, though they are brother and sister. Unfortuantley the answers reveal themselves in this book about the past, creating ways to the future of saving the world,
When Max takes on this task from the beginning of the book, her judgement gets challenged by her wingman Fang. The two cause conflictions in their relationship which shows to be unbareable to them both. To the part where they break, the girl's flock and the boy's flock. The clash of the two flocks leaves saddness and lack of motivation to carrying on and saving the precious world fro corrupt scientists, who think they created you, though they only made you an experiment. The mutant children are created to create a different world, where scientist rule and people don't last, especially mortal children. This book bring a whole new revolution of children because of the use a laptop, created by Fang. The blog spreads aroudn the world, helping the mutant flock into escpaing but not saving the world just yet.

1. What was the author's purpose(s) in writing this book, and how can you tell? How well was this purpose achieved?
In a interview by Barnes and Noble,, James patterson reason was strictly for making people to enjoy what they are reading. He started with the concept of creating everyone's fantasy of flying. This is true beyond what age you are and how mature you are, flying would be one power people would love to have. To feel free and away from closed places, and quickly arriving at your destinations. Patterson's biggest critic, his son, loves the book as long with millions of other children. When Patterson knew of how well his book was selling, the series showed his love for this book. As he said, it was one of his best works, which millions of people can agree with. Patterson love to make people read his work is just as equivalent to making people read a book that they love and possibly their first book. I don't as many others who write because they are motivated by fans and care about what is given out to them. The countless fan blogs and critics critique motivate Patterson into creating books loved by everyone. The thoughtfulness of others show, which is reflected in the book by children trying to save the human race and the lives of soon to be mutants.
The purpose was accomplished. Flying relates to everyone aged person's fantasy, making this book unique to attracting to the older generation when it is labeled for children and teens. The character's ages range from children to teenages, but to those who wanted the independence to save the world and those who think about others. The difficulty ranges pretty easy but the detail and the way it is written draws people in to read more. His work in these books, though I have read two, show his dedication into creating something everyone will enjoy.

8. Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth. You can also analyze a relationship between two different characters.
Throughout every blog I wrote about I show the difficulties of being a leader such as the amazing Maximum Ride, so it would be no suprise that I write about her. From the first book, Max was learning the tricks of the trade, the rules to being a leader but in her own way. In the second book, I don't know exactly but she escaped into what was all told in the third book. This book she loses the defiance and discipline her flock of mutant birds. They judge her orders and of course want to live the lives of normal children. One thing that doesn't relate to us mortal humans is the fact that they barely showed the maturity or puberty. It would explain why Max can be easliy irritated. Throughout the book we live through her character, unfortunatley, I think we can catch on faster than her like any other mystery book. When you are her age, the last thing on your mind is to save the world. The flock was tired of doing the same old thing which is hiding from the earsers, but wanted to be normal and have fun. They weren't listening to Max but to Fang. Max's wingman and lover, Fang tries to give out more ideas that were more appealing to the rest of the flock, and so Max and Fang clash between having a life and sacrificing your life because your the "chosen one."
The split betweent the two near the end of the book leads to the obvious fact that they both need each other to survive together. When Fang acted out stupidly to Ari's new acceptance to the group, he left and prove to be difficult. He had to Max for the boys and though they managed, they couldn't live without their only motherly figure, Max. Stubborn is both well used to describe Fang and Max. The two just can't manage without each other no matter the easiness of the task. It's like Batman and Robin Hood, Max being Batman and Fang being Robin Hood. I can't understand why Fang would leave because he usually has a good head but I think his jealousy towards Ari was to much for him to handle. The flock never knew Ari was Max's brother. Fang and Max are a great force for the Maximum Ride books.

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