Monday, June 7, 2010

English Final

In this school year, I have progressed in my writing. My thoughts run freely and I am capable to write without the usual writer's block. I can't explain it but writing is easier when you want to write about your own thoughts and ideas. Blogging is a free form of writing that some students won't understand because of the restrictions from other english teachers. I am glad we had to blog weekly, eventhough I didn't spend much time in revising my work. Typing may play a part in making things faster, but the writing process isn't as fast as I type. I am proud to say that I fancy writing more weekly then before and hopefully, my work shows this turn around.
1. Explain one or two ways your writing has improved (or not) over the semester. Include a few examples from your posts over time, with analysis and links to the original posts, to illustrate how the improvement(s) happened.
The beginning of the year I dreaded the thought of writing, especially on blogs where other people could read it. I like to exclaim my own ideas on politics and personal statements but I don't fancy saying them in an essay format. Blogs have become a comfortable thing to do. Though I'm not a strong writer, blogging has become easier for me to do. My identity as a writer, is getting stronger when I write about randomness. This year I have strengthened my writing in releasing my thoughts more freely. The idea to write about whatever you want is great. In previous English classes, we had to write about books and what the teacher told us to do. It was restricting myself as a writer. When I am blogging, my thoughts come out freely without trying to think about it so much. I can't necessarily say it makes perfect sense because sometimes my thoughts are scrambling to make sense of its own.
One blog that I believe worked with my crazy word scramble is my Alternate Universe blog. In my Alternate Universe blog, all my thoughts were placed into a more clearer version of what I was thinking. Given it wasn't revised, the grammar is still in the works. I think the blog covers what I was thinking in that moment in my class. In the middle of my blog I wrote questions and answers in detail of why I thought it was true. "I would have to find this black hole but where? Who thought of this? I don't know either because I'm working off a thought of my own. Like how Einstein made the theory of relativity, though his was a actual theory with facts to back it up. My theory is just another version to whom ever said it. I remember seeing this T.V show where they had an episode on this, and all their work sounded as if it was all true. Proving I don't really like science but am gullible to theories with big words. I know, that's pathetic but can't help it sometimes. I do have a mind of my own and I'm just showing what I was thinking lately." This quote taken from my blog adds to why my writing has improved. I have developed this conversation within myself as if I was talking to someone else. This the point of blogging, writing to others.

10. Where do you get your ideas for blog post topics? What inspires you to write?
My ideas usually come from the the most memorable moment of the week. The current thought that irritates me, which gets released in my writing. Such as my Alternate universe. My top two topics is rugby and movies. Whenever I am watching a movie or playing rugby I analyze, just like writing. For movies I analyze why the characters are doing certain key points and what is the directory trying to potray. Movies are a hobby to me, watching the latest and classics. From my Movie Fascination I wrote, "I have grown into this huge fascination with movies. I have watched numerous classics, such as the Godfather series, Citizen Kane, the Untouchables, Gone with the Wind,the Titanic, the Lion King of course and others. I can not fully call myself a true movie junky til I have watched Casablanca." My love for movies is inspires me to write.
The second topic that inspires me to write is the international sport of rugby. The sport is capable for almost anyone, even if your scared of getting hit. Everyone touches the ball and gets time to play. Rugby is growing on me and though I would like to focus on school and other hobbies, my spare time is rugby and my time is rugby. This summer, playing in two sport teams I have chosen to start a rugby career until the end of college. My first rugby blog, BUSY SUNDAY, was the start. "Rugby is an amazingly fun sport, thought I haven't practiced much, this sport fits me as an athlete. I sometimes wonder why I played basketball instead of rubgy. Well you learn from your mistakes so I'm making up for lost time by going two times harder in practice. I even get to start on the team as flanker." Then in my last rugby blog of the school year, All Star Team, I wrote about what I was thinking in that moment. "To make my day even better, the day of was the banquet and I got the rookie of the year award. I really worked my butt off this season to learn as much about rugby and to continue it into college and next year. Tomorrow is the big day, I can't wait to play with the rugby ball again and prove my spot. I don't know what spot yet because I played numerous spots, but anything to start!" This sport means alot to me. I finally found the sport that completes me as an athlete and though I may not go as far to the olympics, it's an incredible sport.

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