Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rules of LOVE

My number one rule of love would be to never cheat. When your in love with someone you wouldn't cheat on them with someone else, even if their is temptations. Now in my age, love can be something they say without really knowing if it is real. Teenagers use the word love as a general term, with no meaning behind it. I have said "I love you" but after thinking about it I regret saying it. Because we use it as a general term, we make others actually believe it is true. After saying that, I don't know what true love is. Relationships are hard in this age, it adds up to more distractions from being focused on one thing, unless you don't have a focus in life. Being in love with someone means that both of you have to be on the same page of what you are trying to do in life, a little separate time doesn't hurt. Support and respect is key when you are in love with someone. The nice guy and girl are usually the ones who last longer in relationships because they can be more understanding and respectful. Probably having a chance of being in love with someone easier because they are so nice. They can on the other hand be taken advantage of unless they are headstrong.
All these rules I'm stating are coming from my parents. They know how to separate their time and do their own things they love and come home and act as if they were never away from each other. Though they married in 6 weeks after meeting each other in a blind date, they are one of the happiest couples. Sometimes they fight but out of nowhere they are back to being lovey dovey, which doesn't need to be seen in front of the kids. My mother is the most stubborn person and my dad has the lowest tolerance level, but somehow they balance out each other. they have been in love for more than 11 years. I've learned from my parents relationships and have figured out better ways to deal with situations. One day I will have this in love relationship, which will be greater than my parents and we grow up to being an old couple.


  1. LOL HAHAHAA, I can't wait to see you with your lover and make fun of you for it.... LOL jk :}

  2. Thanks HONG! But plz keep this info on the blog. LOL
