Friday, May 21, 2010

Lit Circle Week 3

The ending of this book was shocking was sad after I read it. The most heartfelt one out the series yet. I wish this was the last book because three seems to be my limit on series, unless it's Harry Potter. I don't remember the specifics but I do know that Max still has to save the world. I thought after droping the Director was going to save all her problems, I was still wrong. Who is she suppose to save the world from? It could be she saves the rest of the experiments and finds a cure? But that would be ridiculously hard because it's like finding a cure for cancer. You can figure out the reasons for it but no fast cure. The Director was a lying B----. Why would you say your someone's child when your clearly not, especially if that suppose child of yours doesn't like you one bit. The battle between the Omega and Max was epic and I knew somehow she would win but she took hella long to defeat him, until her father Jeb told her his weakness. He would of been a great asset to the bird flock if she could turn him good like Ari. Ari was the saddest moment of the entire book. He layed there during the fight/ escape, hopeless and dead. I felt like crying.

" Oh God. I felt as if my breath, my spirit, had been knocked out of me. For several seconds I just stred numbly at Ari's ruined face, his unseeing eyes. My throat was gripped tight with emotion, and I brushed my fingers over his eyelids, closing them.
This poor, poor kid. I hoped wherever he was, he was no longer in pain, no longer ugly, no longer unloved and unwanted. Hot tears sprang to my eyes, and I wanted to sob."

This part was what I was waiting for Max to feel. For those who have siblings, they know where I am coming from. Though they only knew about their blood relationship, Ari took into fighting by her side after what they have been through. I wished it was a longer relationship then having Ari die during a battle, not from someone else in the battle, but from the hands of curropt scientists. When Max realizes the loss, she shows every emotion that she had for him, proving he was a brother to her. This part of the book was a great part, saddening but great.

" After it was all over but the shouting, my only desire was to streak toward home. But of course I was outvoted, three to one. Even when I claimed that each of their votes counted for only half a vote, they still outvoted me."

This part of the book proved everyone is one the same page finally. This was what Max wanted from the begining and when the whole flock decide to continue to saving the world, it was a family unit again. It was like the same determination in them when they tried to save Angel, but they are saving millions of other kids from the end. This book is geared to kids but has a meaning of what a mature person such as an adult would feel.

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