Tuesday, December 15, 2009


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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lost of Christmas

Its two weeks 'til Christmas break and I feel that I am the only person in my close family that is juiced about Christmas. So in order to brighten up everyones spirits I feel that I should make a movie about my family. This Christmas, everyone in my family is going through hard times, which is mostly because of the recession. Our economy effects some many people worldwide, that Christmas is sort of disliked!! Everyone shouldn't go through Christmas thinking about the cost but about how you spend your time with loved ones. I know is sounds really cheesy but I always had this feeling about this special holiday, unfortunately my family lost that feeling. In my mother's side of the family, my very close cousins, never had as many presents for christmas and so they don't know what it feels like. They are all older then me and they are all going through a rough time, with relationships and baby drama. Also my mom's older sister from New Zealand, brought over her children for Christmas and they aren't getting much because of the economy. Everyone should get past the thought that they have to buy to make someone else happy. The only people in my family that have the right to get pissed is the kids because that's all how they see Christmas, and who can blame them.
So, back to the movie process. I have no idea what it will center around. I have done this before but they were all for my parents, and were very funny. This video has to open up to everyone in my family. I thought about making the video center around what I think about everyone in the family and how I'm grateful for them, but the idea may come off as a Thanksgiving type of video. I don't think that matters as much because at least I gave everyone a present, that didn't cost anything at all. the fact that that I don't have to pay, honestly does feel good and my parents don't have to worry. All I need is a computer, my video camera, and family pics and memories. Relatively simple when I put it like that but it is hard to make everything piece together like an actual movie. I hope this movie comes out good enough for a smile or a laugh.The most important thing would to get my family to get my message and to stop stressing over one day, to have fun and make the most out of what they got.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Do/ I have/ I Am

In Saul Steinberg's painting of " I do, I have, I am" he portrays these three phrases into what he is. Each phrases placed differently from one another to represent a different meaning. The "I do" part is separated from the "I have" and the "I am" part. It sort of looks like the sun up in the sky. I see it as something that is up high in the sky and something that he wants to reach. He does what he does to reach a goal. The brightness can represent that that is where he wants to go and be in his career. A certain type of sucess in his life.
In the "I have" part of the painting I see it as things that he has. He hangs it up loosely off a old styled way of drying clothes, on the wire outside a person's home. From our discussion, yesterday in class, some people said dirty laundry and I agree with that. The artist depicts the "I have" part with broken up pieces of wood. Showing how he has bad parts about his life that hurt him in some way and that he still has it. My first initial thought was that the "I Have" part was that he has what he has and that it looks like he wants more out of his life. After hearing our discussion I leaned more to the dirty laundry idea but the painting can always go both ways.
For the "I Am" I think that was the easiest depiction of what the painter was trying to tell. The way he made it looked like the ground, I thought it meant that he was showing that he is molded by his roots. His roots in the sense of how he was raised and the people that help to molding who he is. The flower on top shows that he has grown into something "beautiful" or just what he is now. It may not be the best but he can be working out what he is.
In every painting there are always multiple meanings, it varies because people see things differently. They can see things differently because some people think deeply and some see it as just a painting and what it looks like. Anyone can put there thoughts into these paintings, but when it comes down to seeing if you were wrong or right just ask the painter. Sometimes painters don't know what they were getting across. What a person sees in there head and what they draw can be two different thoughts and ideas. So for this painting I don't know exactly what he was really trying to say.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lost of Motivation

When I got called to the counselor's office I thought I did something bad such as being tardy to 0 period a couple of times but unfortunately I wasn't. I was called upon one of my grades. I looked at it sort of not suprised but I saw all my grades for the first quarter. I was shocked really and also expecting it, hard to explain. I knew I wouldn't do so well in the first quarter but not this bad. For the rest of the day I felt completely crappy and of course I was going to tell my parents about my grades rather then having them finding out later. Usually if I tell my parents that "Oh I'll do better next report card," it usually gets by without a lecture. Completley different story when I got home. My dad and mom didn't take it so well and they really went down hard on me. It made my mood even worse that day.
I've never done so bad in school, but it wasn't as bad like last year. I still have a 3 but to go to university I need a higher G.P.A. I remember in freshman year I was playing two sports, football and basketball, and I maintained a 3.5 or higher. I've realized that I work harder when I want something, bad grades means no sports and no sports means no fun for me. I liked playing football and basketball because they were great way to stay in shape and having fun. This year I'm not playing football or basketball, but I am playing rugby in the second sememster.
I lost what was motivating me and so now I have to work twice as hard to get my grades back up and maintaining them. I went by school last year with the thought of "I'll do better next quarter or I 'll study next time," that thought screwed up my gpa. Once you start failing tests and don't do anything about it, you continue to fail. My parents didn't raise me with that mentality, and so I'm not just hurting myself but disappointing my parents. I have this complete change in me and so now I have to prove that I have changed to myself. Hopefully reaching my biggest goal of getting a 4.0 or higher. But to get to that goal I have to set minor goals and work my way up.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Statement of Purpose 2

In my previous statement of pupose I blogged about the famous band, The Beatles. I wrote about how much they are an influence to me and artists today. I didn't set a goal of what I wanted to do with my blogs. In this blog post, I want to describe what goals I am going to set out for this school year. First I want to learn how to express my thoughts in a concise way, so that my readers can understand what I am trying to say. This is probably one of the reasons of why I don't like to write because I can't vent myself. What I think and write comes out to be two different points.
My second goal is to write with a more elaborated grammar and vocabulary. I seem to write constantly with the same old words and so my writing has become more boring to read for myself. This could help me with also venting myself better. My third goal is to read over my writings. My problem with writing is that once I write it I'm done. I geuss I'm just that lazy and I most likely did my blog that last minute. So my third goal also is going to help with my procrastination.
Throughout this school year I hope to at least achieve these big goals for me. Possibly adding more goals along the way. I should try to prepare myself, by knowing what I want to write about next week that has more meaning then writing about something write before I write a blog. I have always vented myself through just saying what I wanted to say. Another way I use to vent was drawing out what I was feeling. I believe that I will start to like writing because it could be another way to vent myself, ideas, and thoughts. Next week I am looking forward to what I am going to write about, already having my next blog post idea.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Best Friend

A best friend is someone that you can talk to about anything, they don't judge you at all and give you the best advice they can give at any time. Lucky for me I have the best friends ever! I've realized that my best friends are not best freinds with each other. I don't expect them to become best friends with each other, just as long as they are best friends with me. High school is where you find out who you are and who your true friends are. I have known my three best friends for a very long time. One in particular is my oldest best friend, Sam E. I've known her since third grade at Otis Elementary. She was the new kid at school and so we didn't really talk as much but when we got to middle school we were both in the Lincold band. She played trumpet and I played trombone. She was a beastly player and teacher's favorite player. Out of no where we just became hella close. She was just a hella nice and chill person. All we would talk about was band and how cool it was to be in the band. Hence we became "band geeks" without looking like the stereotypical band geek. When the band trip came in 7th grade to Disneyland, we were in the same group. When we were suppose to get rooms of four, Sam and I were the only ones without a room of four, so we got our own beds. It was hella fun being roomates and getting to play on main st., Disneyland.

By 8th grade, Sam didn't play because she got braces and it was hard for her to play, so she didn't play. We still call each other "band geeks" and are the best of friends. She is a very dedicated golf player, and if all else fails in life, I could be her personal caddy. I saw a movie based on this golfer who's caddy became a millionaire. She is an amazing player, based on what I read and becoming alameda's best athlete last year and east bay golfer of the year. She is an inspiration to me because when you find something that you truley love to play a sport, you should always practice to become your best. Whenever I visit her house her family is always welcoming. One time we went for a run before school and I stopped by her house to shower and change for school, her mom started making breakfast for us. It wasn't your typical breakfast but like something you would eat for lunch or dinner, my favorite was the fried rice. I love her mother's cooking. It is probably better then my moms 'cause my mom never really learned how to cook until she had my brother.

Since we are both in high school, we are still the closest of best friends. Eventhough she has a busy schedule with golf, we still have hella fun. She usually stops by my house and just chills. She gets along with my family, and if my parents could they would adopt her. The also act nicer when someone is around, so it helps when she is over my place. She's an ultimate friend for sure!!! She can also drive which is a plus because I can't drive yet. We want to go to the same college but I don't know the chances of that, if we go to different colleges we are always going to the best of friends!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Annotation of Tatum Article

(3.)Though this group of children, almost all of whom were White, did not live near a large Native American population and probably had had little if any personal interaction with American Indians, they all had internalized an image of what Indians were like. How did they know? Cartoon images, in particular the Disney movie Peter Pan, were cited by the children as their number-one source of information. At the age of three, these children already had a set of stereotypes in place. Though I would not describe three-year-olds as prejudiced, the stereotypes to which they have been exposed become the foundation for the adult prejudices so many of us have.

In this paragraph from the Tatum article, it talked about the confusion of what three year olds think what Native Americans look like.I underlined the Native Americans part to talk about that they were the first to live in the U.S land. They were percieved as vicious people because of what these preschooler's parents and elders told them. The Native American's were the ones that brought their food to the pilgrims and were willing to share. They were treated badly by whites taking over their lands, thats why young kids don't know what they really look like. Neither do their parents becuase the Native American population decreased after losing their land to the whites. It is very true that what you are exposed to is what you think of some other culture thus stereotyping that type of cultre. I underlined that steretypes part, saying how stereotype leads to being prejudice to certain types of people.

Bob Marley

Usually most 5 year olds listen to Barney or the Teletubbies, but I listened to the pot smoking and no worries man Bob Marley. My older cousin would listen to him almost everyday and by the time I was 7 and capable of memorizing, I knew Bob Marley's biggest hits. His music always brought sometype of calmness to me. I never judged him smoking weed because I believe that some the biggest hits can come from guys that are high or sober. Whenever I am feeling depressed or angry, just a slide and a click on my ipod, I feel relaxed and can zone out from what I am stressing about. Some people use weed to make them feel good, I have to listen to a pot head's songs to feel good for the day. He touches so many souls with his reggae tone music. He voice and songs are the most original, talking about his experiences and thoughts living in Jamica.
Everyone in my family knows at least one song of his and every family party he is always played. My mom knows most of his songs as well. Everytime I play his music, she is always the first one to start singing. My dad sometimes sings but he never knows all the words. My dad loves repeating one of Marley's quotes, " Smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself." My dad of course would remember that quote because he was a semi big pot head and drinker. Though he has been sober for over 20 years, he likes to mention his troubled days so I don't repeat them. I told him no worries, everythings gonna be alright. My mom and I laughed but my dad didn't.
By the time I went to 6th grade I was all about Bob Marley. I don't think it was an obsession but just something that I believed was mine. Most teens my age know of him because he smoked but not his music. I had enough shirts to last me an entire week and sweatshirts, the only thing that was missing was an ipod so that I could listen to his music during class. My piers knew me for wearing his shirts almost twice or more a week, which got really old for me. Now I wear his shirts like once a month or twice a month, but I will never stop listening to his music. I have an ipod now so I can escape from anything and listen to my favorite artist of all time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Only Girl

Before I started my freshman year I was known as the "girl that plays football." I got alot of praise from my piers, who were primarily girls and some guys. The attention was nice but it wasn't something I really didn't want. I was just playing for the fun of the game. I was just naturally good at catching and liked like being aggresive in a sport. I rememeber the day when I had to pick up my gear and I was so nervous because I was curious to what the boys would think. I didn't realize how much gear I would have to wear. Some of the guys already knew who I was so it wasn't suprising because they knew me as the tomboy.After my mom picked me up, she said how it went and asked if I had changed my mind on the whole thing. My mom wasn't my biggest fan, but dad gave full support. He said " I'd rather have a daughter that kick ass as a quaterback then some cheerleader!" I thought that was the coolest thing for a dad to say. The gear was not what I expected, the helmet was really heavy and it squeezxed my head, the pads were hard to put in the pants, the pants looked like they were still dirty from last five years, and worst of all was the chest pad. Apparently I didn't strap the chest pad on correctly for a couple of days and my coach had to fix it, while I was wearing it.That was akward. I also had to braid my hair and push it down the back of my chest pad.
My first day of practice, I was so nervous and scared at the same time. My approach on this experience was that I was going to be a solid player but I didn't realize how much work it was. I didn't even know where to dress, but I had a locker room that was the coach's locker room but they never really used it. It looked like a janitors room and the after someone used the bathroom,the toilet would flush over and over. When we first started to practice we started with a warmed up. This was the middle of the afternoon and it was summer time, so I had to keep up with the boys and fight against the heat. Four hours of practice and only two water breaks. It was the hardest week I ever went through. I got the worst farmer's tan, half my legs was brown and the other half was white. The plus side was that I was getting a major workout, I was in the best shape of my life. After a couple of weeks I got use to the routine and the guys were nice to me.Eventhough they were nice off the field, they weren't on the field. After a couple of weeks and getting over every ache in my body I got use to the schedule. I ended up playing wide reciever, I didn't start but the x recievers switched in and out every play, so I got alot of playing time. I proved that I could play after playing against the JV team when I caught a touchdown, but unfortuanatley that was my last touchdown.I caught a few passes but didn't catch a touchdown in the games.
As sad as that is, I did have fun playing. The game is very intense and every touchdown or fumble is based on what the whole team does. I have messed up, especially in the last game which wasn't the best way to end my last season. For any girls that want to play, its a sport that you want to do, stick with it until the end of the season, never stop running or else your going to get smashed, always make sure you gear is tight, and most of all never be intimadated. I didn't return because I didn't like being the only girl that played football and it is hard for girl's body to go through that full on aggresive sport. Their has been girls that have played on other teams and they are all amazing players. I gained a reputation of being tough and people still just know me as the girl that played football. It was an amazing experience and I definatley won't forget what I achieved as being the only girl in a man's sport.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Four Brothers, One girl

I am the oldest of five kids in my family. One girl and four boys from variety of ages. Chris, 11, Dohny, 8, Brandon, 6, Ed, 2 and me, 16. Being the oldest you learn alot about responsiblity like never leave your homework out on the table because your bother sees it as something to draw with, or never leave your food/drink on the computer because somehow they bump into it. No matter how many times they may have drawn on your homework or spilled your drink on the keyboard, the oldest is always blamed. The biggest part about being the oldest is that I had to be mature at a very young age, but I still goof around alot. Since they are all young, they don't fully comprehend what are is going on with the family. Each of my brothers opinions on what my dad does as a job varies, just like how I was when I was each one of their age. Ed thinks that my dad has the coolest job ever, working for planes. I was once just like that, but my dad said that he doesnt like his job as much because of the company he works for, so my opinion changed as well.

All my brothers bring a different spice to our mixed racial family. Ed, young and adorable is the life of the family beacause everything revolves around him and he gets away with everything. He looks just like my mother but would rather hang with my dad, just like how all my brothers did. Brandon is the funny one, he trully acts like a big brother to Ed. He believes that he is great at any sport and always gives it his all. Dohny is the quiet and shy one, but he is the smartest one by far. He constatnly suprises us with his witty answers. Christian is the oldest boy but I believe he is goin through puberity. Now he is acting as if he is the coolest guy ever, being a 6th grader in middle school. He loves the attention and definatley knows how to get it.All these personalities clash inside our house but each of us mellows each other.

I have to share a room with them and they are always dirty and very sloppy, but what do I expect from a bunch of boys. At least they love to take showers, except for one. They don't throw away their trash, don't clean their beds, throw their sweatshirts on the floor instead of hooking it and my biggest peeve is losing the remote to our T.V! I get very annoyed and start lashing out at them, but my parents yell at me to calm down. Sometimes I want to tell my parents, "why have four sons when they can't do anything?", but thats my angry side. Suprisingly, my brothers aren't as tough as I am, so they get all upset when I make fun of them. It's very fun but I have limits to how far I can go, which sometimes sucks. Eventhough we fight for fun or seriously I can't imagine being an only child.They are definatley the best brothers a girl can ask for!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Statment of Purpose

The Beatles
Whenever someone asks me who your favorite band is, without a doubt it’s always going to be The Beatles. Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison are, in my opinion, one of the greatest bands of all time. Although they had broken up since 1970, their music carried on from my father’s generation to mine. They may not be as popular as they were back in the ‘90s but people still celebrate and remember their music after nearly forty-two years.

Rock Band, one of the greatest games created, has become one of the world’s most desired games of the 21st Century. Their newsiest sequel is Rock Band: The Beatles. This is the first that Rock Band has ever chosen to pick a band as its main theme. I believe that they chose The Beatles because they had numerous singles and anyone knows at least one song written by them.

If I was born during their time, I would definitely join the fan’s riots and sing every song. Every concert would be filled with girls screaming and every guy would have their signature mop hairstyle. Like every legends in the entertainment industry, fans want what they have and more. There was a point to where concerts weren’t about the music because the fans were going crazy just seeing them.

The main purpose of writing this is because they left a legacy of music to my family, myself and to my generation. Their music can be interpreted in different ways, but behind every song is a story. Each story and album goes through a different period in their lives and they can relate to someone else’s life.

Statement of Purpose: The Beatles