Monday, June 7, 2010

English Final

In this school year, I have progressed in my writing. My thoughts run freely and I am capable to write without the usual writer's block. I can't explain it but writing is easier when you want to write about your own thoughts and ideas. Blogging is a free form of writing that some students won't understand because of the restrictions from other english teachers. I am glad we had to blog weekly, eventhough I didn't spend much time in revising my work. Typing may play a part in making things faster, but the writing process isn't as fast as I type. I am proud to say that I fancy writing more weekly then before and hopefully, my work shows this turn around.
1. Explain one or two ways your writing has improved (or not) over the semester. Include a few examples from your posts over time, with analysis and links to the original posts, to illustrate how the improvement(s) happened.
The beginning of the year I dreaded the thought of writing, especially on blogs where other people could read it. I like to exclaim my own ideas on politics and personal statements but I don't fancy saying them in an essay format. Blogs have become a comfortable thing to do. Though I'm not a strong writer, blogging has become easier for me to do. My identity as a writer, is getting stronger when I write about randomness. This year I have strengthened my writing in releasing my thoughts more freely. The idea to write about whatever you want is great. In previous English classes, we had to write about books and what the teacher told us to do. It was restricting myself as a writer. When I am blogging, my thoughts come out freely without trying to think about it so much. I can't necessarily say it makes perfect sense because sometimes my thoughts are scrambling to make sense of its own.
One blog that I believe worked with my crazy word scramble is my Alternate Universe blog. In my Alternate Universe blog, all my thoughts were placed into a more clearer version of what I was thinking. Given it wasn't revised, the grammar is still in the works. I think the blog covers what I was thinking in that moment in my class. In the middle of my blog I wrote questions and answers in detail of why I thought it was true. "I would have to find this black hole but where? Who thought of this? I don't know either because I'm working off a thought of my own. Like how Einstein made the theory of relativity, though his was a actual theory with facts to back it up. My theory is just another version to whom ever said it. I remember seeing this T.V show where they had an episode on this, and all their work sounded as if it was all true. Proving I don't really like science but am gullible to theories with big words. I know, that's pathetic but can't help it sometimes. I do have a mind of my own and I'm just showing what I was thinking lately." This quote taken from my blog adds to why my writing has improved. I have developed this conversation within myself as if I was talking to someone else. This the point of blogging, writing to others.

10. Where do you get your ideas for blog post topics? What inspires you to write?
My ideas usually come from the the most memorable moment of the week. The current thought that irritates me, which gets released in my writing. Such as my Alternate universe. My top two topics is rugby and movies. Whenever I am watching a movie or playing rugby I analyze, just like writing. For movies I analyze why the characters are doing certain key points and what is the directory trying to potray. Movies are a hobby to me, watching the latest and classics. From my Movie Fascination I wrote, "I have grown into this huge fascination with movies. I have watched numerous classics, such as the Godfather series, Citizen Kane, the Untouchables, Gone with the Wind,the Titanic, the Lion King of course and others. I can not fully call myself a true movie junky til I have watched Casablanca." My love for movies is inspires me to write.
The second topic that inspires me to write is the international sport of rugby. The sport is capable for almost anyone, even if your scared of getting hit. Everyone touches the ball and gets time to play. Rugby is growing on me and though I would like to focus on school and other hobbies, my spare time is rugby and my time is rugby. This summer, playing in two sport teams I have chosen to start a rugby career until the end of college. My first rugby blog, BUSY SUNDAY, was the start. "Rugby is an amazingly fun sport, thought I haven't practiced much, this sport fits me as an athlete. I sometimes wonder why I played basketball instead of rubgy. Well you learn from your mistakes so I'm making up for lost time by going two times harder in practice. I even get to start on the team as flanker." Then in my last rugby blog of the school year, All Star Team, I wrote about what I was thinking in that moment. "To make my day even better, the day of was the banquet and I got the rookie of the year award. I really worked my butt off this season to learn as much about rugby and to continue it into college and next year. Tomorrow is the big day, I can't wait to play with the rugby ball again and prove my spot. I don't know what spot yet because I played numerous spots, but anything to start!" This sport means alot to me. I finally found the sport that completes me as an athlete and though I may not go as far to the olympics, it's an incredible sport.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports

The novel, Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson is about a flock of mutants trying to save the world. The third installment of the Maximum Ride books takes the two percent of bird mutants into more challenges within each other. They find out who is the true leader and who they can listen to for reference. The biggest obstacles go to Max because she still looks for the missing pieces to who is her mother and father and why Ari is always trying to kill her, though they are brother and sister. Unfortuantley the answers reveal themselves in this book about the past, creating ways to the future of saving the world,
When Max takes on this task from the beginning of the book, her judgement gets challenged by her wingman Fang. The two cause conflictions in their relationship which shows to be unbareable to them both. To the part where they break, the girl's flock and the boy's flock. The clash of the two flocks leaves saddness and lack of motivation to carrying on and saving the precious world fro corrupt scientists, who think they created you, though they only made you an experiment. The mutant children are created to create a different world, where scientist rule and people don't last, especially mortal children. This book bring a whole new revolution of children because of the use a laptop, created by Fang. The blog spreads aroudn the world, helping the mutant flock into escpaing but not saving the world just yet.

1. What was the author's purpose(s) in writing this book, and how can you tell? How well was this purpose achieved?
In a interview by Barnes and Noble,, James patterson reason was strictly for making people to enjoy what they are reading. He started with the concept of creating everyone's fantasy of flying. This is true beyond what age you are and how mature you are, flying would be one power people would love to have. To feel free and away from closed places, and quickly arriving at your destinations. Patterson's biggest critic, his son, loves the book as long with millions of other children. When Patterson knew of how well his book was selling, the series showed his love for this book. As he said, it was one of his best works, which millions of people can agree with. Patterson love to make people read his work is just as equivalent to making people read a book that they love and possibly their first book. I don't as many others who write because they are motivated by fans and care about what is given out to them. The countless fan blogs and critics critique motivate Patterson into creating books loved by everyone. The thoughtfulness of others show, which is reflected in the book by children trying to save the human race and the lives of soon to be mutants.
The purpose was accomplished. Flying relates to everyone aged person's fantasy, making this book unique to attracting to the older generation when it is labeled for children and teens. The character's ages range from children to teenages, but to those who wanted the independence to save the world and those who think about others. The difficulty ranges pretty easy but the detail and the way it is written draws people in to read more. His work in these books, though I have read two, show his dedication into creating something everyone will enjoy.

8. Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth. You can also analyze a relationship between two different characters.
Throughout every blog I wrote about I show the difficulties of being a leader such as the amazing Maximum Ride, so it would be no suprise that I write about her. From the first book, Max was learning the tricks of the trade, the rules to being a leader but in her own way. In the second book, I don't know exactly but she escaped into what was all told in the third book. This book she loses the defiance and discipline her flock of mutant birds. They judge her orders and of course want to live the lives of normal children. One thing that doesn't relate to us mortal humans is the fact that they barely showed the maturity or puberty. It would explain why Max can be easliy irritated. Throughout the book we live through her character, unfortunatley, I think we can catch on faster than her like any other mystery book. When you are her age, the last thing on your mind is to save the world. The flock was tired of doing the same old thing which is hiding from the earsers, but wanted to be normal and have fun. They weren't listening to Max but to Fang. Max's wingman and lover, Fang tries to give out more ideas that were more appealing to the rest of the flock, and so Max and Fang clash between having a life and sacrificing your life because your the "chosen one."
The split betweent the two near the end of the book leads to the obvious fact that they both need each other to survive together. When Fang acted out stupidly to Ari's new acceptance to the group, he left and prove to be difficult. He had to Max for the boys and though they managed, they couldn't live without their only motherly figure, Max. Stubborn is both well used to describe Fang and Max. The two just can't manage without each other no matter the easiness of the task. It's like Batman and Robin Hood, Max being Batman and Fang being Robin Hood. I can't understand why Fang would leave because he usually has a good head but I think his jealousy towards Ari was to much for him to handle. The flock never knew Ari was Max's brother. Fang and Max are a great force for the Maximum Ride books.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lit Circle Week 3

The ending of this book was shocking was sad after I read it. The most heartfelt one out the series yet. I wish this was the last book because three seems to be my limit on series, unless it's Harry Potter. I don't remember the specifics but I do know that Max still has to save the world. I thought after droping the Director was going to save all her problems, I was still wrong. Who is she suppose to save the world from? It could be she saves the rest of the experiments and finds a cure? But that would be ridiculously hard because it's like finding a cure for cancer. You can figure out the reasons for it but no fast cure. The Director was a lying B----. Why would you say your someone's child when your clearly not, especially if that suppose child of yours doesn't like you one bit. The battle between the Omega and Max was epic and I knew somehow she would win but she took hella long to defeat him, until her father Jeb told her his weakness. He would of been a great asset to the bird flock if she could turn him good like Ari. Ari was the saddest moment of the entire book. He layed there during the fight/ escape, hopeless and dead. I felt like crying.

" Oh God. I felt as if my breath, my spirit, had been knocked out of me. For several seconds I just stred numbly at Ari's ruined face, his unseeing eyes. My throat was gripped tight with emotion, and I brushed my fingers over his eyelids, closing them.
This poor, poor kid. I hoped wherever he was, he was no longer in pain, no longer ugly, no longer unloved and unwanted. Hot tears sprang to my eyes, and I wanted to sob."

This part was what I was waiting for Max to feel. For those who have siblings, they know where I am coming from. Though they only knew about their blood relationship, Ari took into fighting by her side after what they have been through. I wished it was a longer relationship then having Ari die during a battle, not from someone else in the battle, but from the hands of curropt scientists. When Max realizes the loss, she shows every emotion that she had for him, proving he was a brother to her. This part of the book was a great part, saddening but great.

" After it was all over but the shouting, my only desire was to streak toward home. But of course I was outvoted, three to one. Even when I claimed that each of their votes counted for only half a vote, they still outvoted me."

This part of the book proved everyone is one the same page finally. This was what Max wanted from the begining and when the whole flock decide to continue to saving the world, it was a family unit again. It was like the same determination in them when they tried to save Angel, but they are saving millions of other kids from the end. This book is geared to kids but has a meaning of what a mature person such as an adult would feel.

Alternate Universe

I was in APES class today watching a film called Life After Humans and I was wondering where exactly does our "souls" go when we die. Somehow I thought about an alternate universe where our we go to after death. I know the typical religious answer if heaven or hell, but I'm not that religious. I would like to think we like go to an alternate universe. The usualy imagery of an alternate universe would be the opposite of the world now, so I'm thinking a non-polluted and war free world? That is a stretch but why not. If someone knows where we go after we die, where? This question could never be answered because when I use to pray when I was young, I would ask the man upstairs to leave me a note under my barbie dolls. Never did I get an answer and man was I pissed. Of course the other man upstairs, my father never gave me an answer but that we go somewhere nice. Not an answer to me. Though I really want to know, I would never consider the way to finding out because I only have one life to live. Or do I have one life to live in this universe? Well, this alternate unvierse would probably be better than what people are living like now. The more I have been thinking, heaven is a term that can be used describe a place where people want to go to, to get away for where they are now. I see hell as this place, where people that want to cause destruction and suffering end up. So maybe this alternate universe is heaven because its suppose to be thsi grand place of tranquility and relaxation. I don't understand fully about this heaven and hell because I don't know who exactly said this. Well what about the supposed ghosts? They have all technology to proving their is such thins as ghosts, suching as a different temperatures in certain spots of haunted rooms. I've been thinking ghosts are in the alternate universe that are shown in through somehow. As if their was a glitch in the connection between our world and an alternate universe.
I would have to find this black hole but where? Who thought of this? I don't know either because I'm working off a thought of my own. Like how Einstein made the theory of relativity, though his was a actual theory with facts to back it up. My theory is just another version to whom ever said it. I remember seeing this T.V show where they had an episode on this, and all their work sounded as if it was all true. Proving I don't really like science but am gullible to theories with big words. I know, that's pathetic but can't help it sometimes. I do have a mind of my own and I'm just showing what I was thinking lately.
This may be pure insanity but I was just thinking. Why not? I had all these ideas in my head just building up on randomness and no facts. Though I would like to do a complete research on the black hole and dimensions of our universe, I feel its a waste because their is no solid fact or living proof to prove I may be on to something. I'm not going to become this crazed mad scientist trying to search this black hole in which holds the mysteries of the alternate universe. I believe I am going to just ponder on this subject til the time comes. Though I don't know what I will believe I can just imagine.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rules of LOVE

My number one rule of love would be to never cheat. When your in love with someone you wouldn't cheat on them with someone else, even if their is temptations. Now in my age, love can be something they say without really knowing if it is real. Teenagers use the word love as a general term, with no meaning behind it. I have said "I love you" but after thinking about it I regret saying it. Because we use it as a general term, we make others actually believe it is true. After saying that, I don't know what true love is. Relationships are hard in this age, it adds up to more distractions from being focused on one thing, unless you don't have a focus in life. Being in love with someone means that both of you have to be on the same page of what you are trying to do in life, a little separate time doesn't hurt. Support and respect is key when you are in love with someone. The nice guy and girl are usually the ones who last longer in relationships because they can be more understanding and respectful. Probably having a chance of being in love with someone easier because they are so nice. They can on the other hand be taken advantage of unless they are headstrong.
All these rules I'm stating are coming from my parents. They know how to separate their time and do their own things they love and come home and act as if they were never away from each other. Though they married in 6 weeks after meeting each other in a blind date, they are one of the happiest couples. Sometimes they fight but out of nowhere they are back to being lovey dovey, which doesn't need to be seen in front of the kids. My mother is the most stubborn person and my dad has the lowest tolerance level, but somehow they balance out each other. they have been in love for more than 11 years. I've learned from my parents relationships and have figured out better ways to deal with situations. One day I will have this in love relationship, which will be greater than my parents and we grow up to being an old couple.

Friday, May 14, 2010

All Star Team

Two weekends ago, I was super juiced to try out for the Nor-Cal All Star Team!! This was for rugby and I was preparing myself, with workouts, and building my stamina until the day of. My mother has this fear of driving long distance, especially with are van that we don't trust for long drives. Well, she was going to find a family member who would drive me because my dad had to work. This all happened the day of and my try outs was around 11 AM at some field farther than Sacramento. When my mom told me that I wasn't going, I was really pissed off my mine. I never felt so left down by my parents. Now I understand that it was all miscommunication but still this is a big deal if I want to play rugby in college. The whole week I wasn't feeling myself because I wasn't playing this sport that I surprisingly grown a huge liking towards. When I heard about the select players from my original team that tried out and made it, I was sad because I wasn't updating my facebook with the accomplishment of making the team. Honestly, I envied the girls, no hating on them though. Another part that ticked me off was my parents didn't ask why I wasn't talking to them as much, "silent treatment" until my dad asked. I explained how much this meant to me and he completely understood my passion for rugby. Though my mother wasn't liking that "silent treatment," which I understand was wrong towards her because she has the fear of long drives, especially 2 hours. The result of that week was that I still didn't get to play because the try outs was over and I never showed. It was one of those moments when you think everything will go the way you want it, but of course that didn't happen.
Since then I have been eating what ever seems delicious and stuffing my face with my favorite, chocolate, especially brownies that my parents keep making as a snack for us 5 kids. I kept on thinking why couldn't I drive by now, I'm 17 year-old and I don't even have my permit. After taking my APES exam I felt a tad better but not completely. Why can't there be a rewind button that works in the real world? I realized I can't sulk about the past but let it go and continue on. Surprisingly, I got an email. The coach of the All Star team, sent out emails again for a tryout/ practice. This was great! I was so happy but not fully. I needed the permission of my parents and a ride. Luckily, my dad said he would be able to drive me with his truck. I felt relieved and happy. It was like one of those things that you don't expect to happen even though you want to. To make my day even better, the day of was the banquet and I got the rookie of the year award. I really worked my butt off this season to learn as much about rugby and to continue it into college and next year. Tomorrow is the big day, I can't wait to play with the rugby ball again and prove my spot. I don't know what spot yet because I played numerous spots, but anything to start!

Lit Circle 2

I finally finished the book, "A Maximum Ride: Saving the World and other extreme sports" by James Patterson. This book defiantly one of the best since the first one because we skipped the second one. Even though we skipped the second book, the third one carried on with the complete review. I am going to talk about the second half of our book though I know what will happen in the end. I want to get into the deeper thought of this book and tear into pieces, one by one.

"Fly west without Max, was like flying missing, Fang thought. He kept seeing her
face, furious, confused, and, even though she would never admit it, scared. He'd
seen that face just about every day of his entire life. He'd seen that it filthy
with caked-on dirt, bruises and bloodied, snarling, laughing, sleeping, telling
complicated lies with total sincerity... looking down at him with that light in
her eyes, that communication between them...:"

This was a big part in how the flock would manage without each other, especially the dynamic duo of Max and Fang. It was as if they were taking a time away and tried the waters with out each other. Max did clarify that they were going out with each other and broke up the day after escaping the School with the tremendously dangerous Aris, Max's brother. Though we all know that Ari is going to die, Fang is threatened by his presence and giving away their hideouts. In the real life, Max would choose Ari because they are siblings, but she let him join because he was going to die soon. I believe he wasn't ever to turn into an Eraser, but how would we know? Max has this big heart for the hopeless and despaired kids. I think that is the saddest thing ever for Ari to die at the age of seven. Fang and Max are just meant for each other and will defiantly make the ultimate couple because they are 2% bird. Fang's absence makes Max even weaker to fight and this shows when they get caught again and Max has to see Jeb.

" A sudden wave of exhaustion almost sucked on under. I wanted to roll up
into a fetal position and stay there for the rest of my life, which I hoped
would be mercifully short. I had been working so hard for so long, going at 140
percent. i had pretty much hit rock bottom"

Max's body is taking a major toll in saving the world business. Her flock unit is half absent, doing something in the other side of the state, while her, Angel, Nudge, and Ari try to escape the Itex, from the Director, who is supposedly her mother. When Jeb walks in, all he does is acknowledge Max to keep trying, because he is the "voice." I guessed in a previous lit circle letter that the "voice" was her mother, but it turned to be her father. Though I'm not really surprised we also find out that her mother is Dr.Martinez. That part shocked me the most out the entire book. Max's body was crashing, I think from all the stress and finding more about her past even when she didn't even want to. This book keeps surprising me a lot over each page, and from finally finishing, I am captivated from every scene. I am anxious to read the next book, and hopefully finishing this action series.